Where did you go?

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Billies POV

I wake up the next morning with only a blanket on me. I look to my left and it's empty. The room is empty. The house is empty with only me in it. Tre left. 'But why?' I think to myself. I wanted to talk to Tre, I wanted to watch him leave. I put shorts on and walk around the house to see if Tre left a note. He didn't, that worries me. I call him and he doesn't pick up. I quickly shower and put basketball shorts on and a Guns n' Roses shirt on. I style my hair a bit and grab my keys. I drive over to Tre's to see if he's there. He isn't. I call him a couple more times and he still didn't pick up. I call Mike and Jason and tell them the news. They both meet up at my house.
"Well Billie do you know where he was last?" Mike asks.
"Um yeah..... in my living room next to me."
"We can track his phone?" Jason suggests.
"I tried, it's not working."
"Well what made him walk?"
"All I know is that he came over to talk to me about something. I won't get into any detail-"
"Thanks." Jason says with a smile.
"Anyway, but the last time I saw him was on the floor last night next to me. So I don't know why he walked."
They both were silent for a while. All I wanted was Tre next to me. I don't care if we were together or not I just wanted him here by my side. 

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