Bang Bang

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I checked into rehab and they allowed me to be an out patient so I can also focus on my music. I've been writing songs like crazy and hopefully we can start going into the studio. My name is all over the papers and it leaves me speechless and embarrassed every time. I fucked up and I know what I did was wrong and I wish I could go back and change what I did. But, all I can do is learn from it and move on. Tre is back living with me and he's being the greatest fiancé I could ask for. Adrienne allowed Joey to stay with Tre and I every other weekend. I've realized that being off drugs and being surrounded by people who love me makes me happy. When I was on drugs and drinking I was never happy but I thought it was helping. Tre and I are figuring out our plans for the future like wedding and kids. My life is getting better and that is all I wanted. It means a lot to me that the people around me are happy. Tonight I am having the band come over so we can talk about the songs I have written and show them how much work I put into these songs because nothing is more important to me than my band and that will never change.
I open my eyes to the sun shining on my face. I look to the side and smile as I see Tre curled on his side fast asleep. I get up and kiss his temple and quietly walk down the stairs. I start making coffee and walk over to the bunch of papers scattered on the table. I sit down and go through them. Tre walks down and sits next to me resting his head on my shoulder looking down at the paper I'm holding in my hand. A brand new song I recently wrote and I'm excited for it. The song speaks to me and hopefully will speak to our fans.
"What is this one called?" I rest my head on his for a second before answering.
"I haven't figured it out yet. Any ideas?"
"What about Bang Bang?" A smile slowly creeps up on to my face and I kiss Tre's head.
"That sounds like an awesome name for it. Thank you love." Tre looks at me and smiles too.
"I love you Billie Joe. Forever and always."
"I love you too Tre. Forever and always."

My Boyfriend BillieWhere stories live. Discover now