Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I remember growing up as a teenager and reading all those werewolf romance stories and wishing it could be real – so I would have someone who'd love me unconditionally, no matter what. As I got older I faced the fact that it wasn't real, and things couldn't be that perfect.

But stuff like that didn't exist, it was just written and put out there to make a girl go into a fantasy land and have it come crashing down around them when they faced the reality men – which was like looking at say, a freshly baked cake compared to a cake smashed into the ground.

It gave guys a standard to live up to and unfortunately, seeing as they never read those books, they never understood why women always had a go at them for not being like the characters in their novels.

I'd fallen into a novel itself. I'd been kidnapped, been told my kidnapper was a werewolf. Had life like dreams that I was escaping and, had been bitten who knows how many times. I couldn't believe how much like the books this was. I couldn't wrap my head around it, that this whole new world completely existed right under our unobservant noses.

The dream was a let down for sure – it had felt so real, I thought I'd be free. Of course I had to wakeup.

It was ten o'clock in the morning, I realised. I sat up in the bed, before getting out and making my way to the shower. How long had I been with these people now? A few days? A week? I couldn't remember. I didn't even know what day it was!

I showered quickly, and dressed with the once again supplied pants and shirts. I followed my same path downstairs, stopping in the hall when I saw Chelsea's room was no longer trashed, and there was laughter coming from the kitchen.

I walked down slowly, turning into the kitchen and I nearly died at what I saw in front of me. Chelsea sat close to Pierce, laughing and blushing every time he murmured something in her ear. Anna was laughing at Joe who was obviously attempting to cook. Kian sat at the table reading the paper and his parent were nowhere to be seen.

But that wasn't what I found so ... so strange. To see Chelsea sitting there and accepting this. That's what made me want to get out of here more. She was being brain washed.

"Oh hey Molly!" Anna said smiling. "Are you hungry, do you want breakfast – Joe get out, you can't cook. Go sit down." She shoved him to the table. She turned back to me, "so do you want anything to eat?"

I shook my head, "no. I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten since yesterday morning Molly," Kian grunted. "Anna make her some breakfast." Anna nodded and set about cooking.

I folded my arms, "I'm not eating your stupid breakfast."

The kitchen was quiet now. Chelsea was looking at me with understanding, but there was pity in her eyes. I noticed her mark. It now had a wolf face attached the ears. She'd been bitten again.

"You're going to make yourself sick," Kian said calmly, standing up and folding his paper. "So, you will eat." He grabbed my arm and put me into a chair. I didn't even bother struggling.

I think I was reaching a point of mental exhaustion with all of this. My arguments were becoming weaker, and all I wanted to do as cry and admit defeat.

Light chatter started up again as Kian sat next to me, reading his paper again. On the front of it I saw Chelsea and myself, with R.I.P written under it along with other things. I felt my body tremble, I really was dead.

Anna put a plate of food in front of me, while I stared at it with pure hatred. He couldn't force me to put the fork I my mouth.

"Eat," he ordered. In a tone I had never heard before, but some part of me told me I needed to listen to him when he spoke like that.

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