Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

“Ugh...” My head felt heavy, along with every other fibre in my body, I felt like I was being held down by weights, unable to resurface. What a terrible dream. That would definitely make it to the top five most horrible dreams. I flopped my arms either side of me, feeling for Jazz or Sarah. No one...wait wasn't I on the couch when I went to bed?

I sat up, my head disagreeing with me, feeling like cement around my shoulders. I kept my eyes shut, breathing in and out a few times before blinking them open. Black blanket covering...plush haired girl crying in the corner...shut haired girl crying in the corner...WHAT!? I let out a gasp and she whipped her head around, her blue eyes brimming with more tears.

“Are you okay?” I whispered. Best to see if she was all good first before I asked her where the hell I was.

“God. I hoped no one else would fall into this fate.” She stood up wiping her eyes, her clothes brown and dirty and her legs and feet stained with dirt. “I'm Chelsea. And we've been kidnapped by a bunch of psychotic maniacs.”

“It wasn't a dream,” I whispered to myself in shock, feeling tremors of fear taking over my body. Bile rose in my throat as looked around the small room, it was rocking so we must still be in the RV. I heard a TV from outside the door and few voices.

“No. It wasn't a dream. They’ve taken us. And I don't know – I don't know what's going to happen! My boyfriend doesn't know where I am, they took me four nights ago! And god, I tried making noise, so much noise when they began leaching onto you guys but I just knew it, Kian wouldn't stop talking about how to get you.” She burst out into tears, “I made a run for it obviously,” she said in between sobs, pointing at her dirty self. “But they caught me, it wasn't hard.” She began crying louder and I pulled her into a hug, trying to use whatever possible calm had left in me.

“We can get out of here, we can!” I said determined, my voice shaking though.

She pulled back, wiping her nose on her hand. “No, we can't. There is more of them then us, and I have no idea where I am. I'm from America, if the accent is anything to go by, and you're obviously not from here either.” She began crying again, softer this time. “No one will ever find us, no one.” Her eyes widened, “they are mental. Seriously, the Pierce guy, the one who took me he -he was sprouting out random shit, that – that me and him were meant to be together, I was his mate or something like that. And then he told me he was a – a – a - A FREAKING WEREWOLF!” She burst into more tears but laughter at the same time. “I honestly thought I had lost my mind. But then...” She stopped, her hand slamming down over her neck.

“Then what?” I whispered, feeling my mouth go dry.

She took a deep breath, “he bit me.”

I frowned, “bit you?”

“Bit me. And it left a mark. Like, not like a hickey would either. Like a mark, look!” She yanked her hand away and I looked at her neck, seeing the red lines on her neck had formed a letter “P”. “And I knew then, that they weren't...normal.”

“I have to – I have to get out of here!” I whispered in fear.

She began crying again, “there is no way out. They took my phone off me, and Anna found yours down your bra last night. They smash them, burn them and erase any evidence of them having us.”She sobbed in my arms once again and by this point I found my chin quivering as well.

I was being taken, to god knows where, beyond any trace of being found, with strangers who liked to bite people.

God help me.

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