Twenty Eight: Sickness

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For the past two weeks I have been feeling sick. Like not a cold sick or that. But I've been throwing up. I talked to Christina about me being sick. She keeps joking that I'm pregnant or whatever. She doesn't know that I can be. I don't think Four used protection that night, but maybe he did and I have bad memory.

I get dressed into my skinny jeans and a regular tee shirt. I must be getting bigger or more fat because my pants barely fit. I'll have to ask my mom if we can go pants shopping. She'll probably tell me to just wear leggings. I can't always wear them.

Today I'm not even going to school. I'm ditching. I need to find out if I'm pregnant or not. Ever since Christina said that word, I have been wondering. I can't have a child at sixteen years old and how am I supposed to tell Four. He won't be happy. I don't think he wants to be a father at seventeen.

I text Christina telling her she needs to be here after my mom and dad leave. I told them I felt sick and don't want to go to school, so they're letting me stay home.

My mom and dad leave together. I watch them drive off. I then feel the urge to puke. At least I'm not completely lying to my parents. I am sick, but I don't know why. And if I am pregnant, I can't tell my parents. They'll kill me. They wanted me to at least be twenty when I have a baby. I know my mom always dreamed of being a Grandma. Maybe she won't be so mad. Maybe I'll tell them when I start showing. Hopefully I'm just not pregnant. Why Am I talking about being Pregnant if I don't know anything.

"Tris?" I hear christina ask.

"What?" I ask standing up and wiping my mouth off.

"Okay, you might actually be pregnant. You're already puking, what about your boobs?" She asks crossing her arms.

"What about them, they're small and they hurt." I say.

"Pregnant." She says.

"I am not pregnant." I say.

"You probably are. I mean, you're puking, you say your boobs hurt and what about your pants? They look like the button is going  to pop off." She says.

"Maybe I'm just getting fat." I say.

"Anyways, where do you want me to take you?" She asks.

"The store. I need gingerale or something like that." I say.

"Okay, let's go." She says.

I grab my phone and jacket. I then walk to Chris's car and get in. She gets into the drivers seat and drives to the store. Hopefully no one will see us. Especialy my parents. But I am coming for Gingerale, so that's my lie.

"Okay I'll get you Gingerale. You'll go and find stuff to help you." She says parking.

"Got it." I say.

We get out and walk into the store. Chris heads to the sodas and drinks. I go to the pharmacy area. I can't let Chris see that I'm going to buy a test. She can not know. No one can know. Four can't even know.

Note: more to come later

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