Chapter Four: Half Asleep

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**Four POV**

I'm currently sitting in History class read to go to sleep. Mr. Waters is giving a really boring speech on the history of China. Why do we even need to learn it? We don't live in China, we just get our stuff from China. Everything is made in China. 

The only people who are actually paying attention are the nerds in the front. Well, everyone in the front minus Uriah, he's kind of asleep. Does Mr. Waters not see that? He's too busy giving a boring speech lecture thing. I don't know what they call it. 

I look over at Tris and she is half asleep. She has her head in her left hand and she is just doodling in her notebook. I try to see what she is drawing, but I can't see it from here. That sneaky sneaky girl. I laugh silently to myself. I wish this class would end already.

The bells rings and my wish is granted. See you later suckers. I grab my stuff like everyone else and I head out the door and walk on over to Science. Science I would say is the class that is the most boring. I don't pay attention, but yet I still get a good grade. I don't even know how. 

I walk into the class and Zeke is already sitting at our table. I go over and we do our little hand shake thing. I then sit down and the first thing he asks me is "Who's the lucky lady?"

"Not telling." I said.

"Come on Dude, you tell me everything." He said.

"Well, I'm not telling you this." I said.

"Your a real party pooper." He said.

"I know." I reply.

The bell rings again signaling that class has started. The teacher walks into the room. Mrs. Roth is a very strict but nice teacher. Like, if you don't turn in your work on time, she'll go all crazy on you, and she'll give you detention. 

"Good morning class." Mrs. Roth said.

"Good Morning Mrs. Roth." All of us said.

"Let's get to work." she said.


"Dude, it has been  long day and all I want to do is sleep, but Mr. Waters wouldn't let us sleep." Zeke said.

"Your brother was passed out in his class this morning." I said. (A/N: Four is a year older, but has the same classes as the year younger, they do it at the High School I'm going to, so why not this one

"That's because he's a lazy butt and has Mr. Waters first period." Zeke said.

"I was ready to fall asleep as well." I said.

"I think everyone was." Zeke said.

Lauren passes us with her friends. They all look at us and give us the stink eye. I just give them the finger when the teacher aren't looking. I know that if Mrs. Roth caught me doing that I would be in deep deep trouble. 

"Dude, Mrs. Roth is looking at us now." Zeke said.

I look over at her and sure enough she is giving us a weird look. We move and go outside. We would be like regular guys and play football, but that sport is lame. All you do is touch each others butts and tackle each other. And then when you go to a game, you touch even more butts. It's pretty weird. In Middle School I was on the football team and it was awkward. I wanted to try the sport out and it's not my thing. I don't like to touch another mans butt, that's just plan creepy.

"So, Dude, give me a hint on this girl your stalking." Zeke said.

"I'm not stalking her, if I was, you would already know who she is." I said.

"Come on Bro, I need to know." he said.

"Actually you don't." I said.

"Is it that one other chick in math class?" Zeke asked.

"No." I said.

"What about in Science?" he asked.

"Nope." I said.

"How about at lunch?" he asked.

"Dude, everyone goes to lunch." I said.

"Yeah, kind of sucks we have to go with the younger ones too." he said.

"The younger ones, dude they are like a year younger than us, it's called Lunch A." I said.

"I know, but they are scary and creepy." he said.

"You know that you just called your brother scary and creepy." I said.

"Yeah, I know." he said.


Note: Yeah, the High that I'm going to is weird. If you don't pass the class the first time you have to take it again, or you are placed into classes if your smarter or whatever, Bleh. Also There is Like a lunch and B lunch, which is like mixed up, but yeah, what ever, lol.

Also, yes, that is what I think football is, Butt touching and tackling. 

QOTC: What's your favorite sport

AOTC: I don't have one, I don't do sports!

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