Chapter Eighteen: I would call this chapter Lauren, but I don't want to

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The bell for lunch rings and I gladly get up and grab my stuff. Tris told me Christina found out about us. Now the question is, did she tell the rest of our friends or did she keep her mouth shut? Knowing Christina, she probably told them. I'll find out when I walk to the table.

Zeke isn't at school today. He texted me and told me that he is sick. Yeah, he's probably ditching and saying he's sick. He did that once and his mom was pissed. The only way to know if he is ditching or not is to call his mom. 

I walk into the cafeteria and go to the table. I sit next to Tris. Everyone just looks at us. Great, I bet Christina told them. Christina comes over and sits next to Will. Everyone doesn't even notice them. Okay, this is awkward. I get up and head outside. I go and find an empty bench to sit on. 

In the distance, I see Lauren and her friends come towards me. Great, she probably is going to cry and try to get me to feel bad. Well guess what Lauren, it won't work.

She comes over and sits her big nasty butt next to me. She then tries to play cute. Yeah, won't work.

"Please take me back Four. Please." she said.

"No." I say.

"Why not?" she asks.

"Because, I already have a girlfriend." I said.

"She doesn't need to know. She's probably a slut anyways." she said.

"Lauren, you're the slut." I say.

I get up and walk inside. I see Tris get up. I grab her softly by the arm and lead her outside through the other door. We walk over to an empty picnic table. She sits on the table and I sit on the bench. 

"What did Lauren want?" she asks.

"You saw that?" I asked.

"All of us did." she said.

"Lauren wanted to me to take her back. But I said no and told her I had a girlfriend. By the way she said you're a slut and I called her a slut. But she doesn't even know I'm dating you, so technically she didn't call you a slut." I said.

"Lauren is the slut. But she'll probably find out about us in the next few days. I know Christina will most likely yell it to the whole school." she said.

"Most likely." I said.

Speaking of Christina, she comes over to us with the rest of the gang. See, Uriah is here today, just not Zeke. I think Zeke is slaking. 

"Uriah, is your brother really sick?" I ask.

"No, he went to the park with a few friends. Something about doing dope." he said.

Zeke is in deep trouble. Little does Uriah know that Dope is drugs. Maybe he does know what dope is, let's see.

"Do you even know what dope is?" I asked.

"No clue what it is." he said.

Didn't think so. I get up and tell the gang I'm going to the bathroom to go pee. Which isn't totally a lie. I do have to go pee, but I'm also going to call up Zeke's mother and tell her about Zeke. Well, first I'll ask if he is home. 

I walk into the bathroom and do my business first. You do not want details on that, because that is just gross. But I tell you, it's a wonderful feeling of peeing. I don't want you to ask why and I'll pay you five dollars if you pretend you didn't read that.

I get done, wash my hands and pull my phone out. I get a new phone next month. This one is a piece of crap anyways. I dial up Zeke's home phone and wait for his mom to answer.

"Hello, this is Hana(A/N: I think that's her name, if it's not, please tell me what her name actually is)" Zeke's mom says.

"This is Four, a buddy of Zeke's." I say.

"What do you want?" she asks.

"Is your son home?" I ask.

"Of course not, he's at school." she said.

"Really, I didn't see him here." I say.

"That Son of a Bitch." she said.

"And his younger brother says that Zeke is off doing Dope at the near by park." I say.

"Thank you Four." she said.

"Anytime." I say.

I hang up and put my phone in my pocket. I then leave the bathroom laughing. 


Note: A few side notes for this chapter. One, I am not giving you five dollars. Two, Zeke is going to be in huge trouble. And three, Lauren will be doing something in the next few chapters. I'm not going to tell you what she's going to do. 

QOTC: I you could meet one celebrity, who would it be? And yes, only ONE.

AOTC: Geez, that's a hard one. Since I count authors as Celebrities, I would want to meet John Green. 

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