A fight to earn her heart(Unedited)

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Chapter twenty three

A fight to earn her heart

          [Envy's POV]

-Months later-

"Hey calm down I'm just here to get Gluttony back nothing more than that... I don't wana fight you pipsqueak..."I said to the moron Edward

"That's five now!" he said while trying to punch me but I dodged it and he hit the tree.

"What are you talking about?"

"That's five times... you called me pipsqueak twice here...and three times in the laboratory ... don't tell me you've forgotten already!!" he said angry while pointing out his fist.

"Impressive, you've got a sharp memory there."  I said to him with a dull face. I jumped off the tree landed on when I escaped his punch.

"Hold it..." he screamed when I jumped but I didn't answer.

Gluttony was coming my way when I looked at him.

"You're becoming bothersome" I told him

Then I listened to him while he started nagging about colonel Mustang and I told him a fact about Mustang and the Elric brothers that he didn't like.

"I've sensed this multiplicity before, how many people are inside you homunculus?" Ling said with a look on his face as if he was trying to scare me.

The anger built up inside me when I looked at him, the one who took everything from me, my Beauty and my kid. I could break him with the truth about the baby but that way I would just hurt Beauty and I don't want to do so anymore. I stayed away from her on purpose and made her think I hate her just to keep her away from the misery of my mistakes and to pusher into stop looking for me.

The pipsqueak was determined to start a fight. I can't believe this guy is my brother, he is so stupid and I hate him a lot.

I was fighting Ling when the Elrics were fighting Gluttony.

"You really know how to use that thing." I said to him while fighting and staying away from the sword he was using to hit me.

"Thank you for the compliment ... really!" he said and hit my side with sword.

"You fell for it" I said to him with a smirk on my face and turned my hand into a snake and wrapped it around him.

"Good isn't it? And you humans can't do anything like it." I said to him while he was trying to get out from the trap. "So what would it be, strangled to death, bitten to death, or just carved up into little pieces?" I said while turning my right arm into a blade.

"Haha... none of the above." He said while having a hard time talking.

He left his sword that plunged into the ground and with his foot he kicked dirt into my eyes. I shut them and was off guard. He was able to pull out the snake hand from my body and then cut me with his sword.

I fell to the ground and waited for my body to regenerate.

"That was a dirty trick" I said to him through the pain that was slowly going away "Blinding me... that's not playing fair."

"People have been trying to assassinate me since I was a kid. Under the circumstances you can't blame a guy for learning how to fight dirty. So have you had enough yet? Are you going to come with me quietly now?" he said while approaching me. "I just want whatever information you can give me on becoming immortal." He pointed the sword at me when I was still on the ground "Or shall we go again?"

"You scum! A mere humanlike you can't condense into me!" I yelled at him when I looked at him.

"You seem to underestimate humans... and that's a mistake!" he said yelling at me with a smile.

I was planning on telling him the truth but I hesitated.

"A human like me was able to take Beauty from you and make her the happiest person ever."

"Don't brag about stuff you're not positive of."

 "Oh trust me I'm sure... did I mention I'm going to become a father too?" he said to me with a smirk on his face.

She told him already? He thinks it's his too? Then that means that...

"You slept with her you scum?!"

He grinned.

The Elrics and Gluttony became closer to us.

"Stay out of my way guy I'm busy." He said while looking at them.

I tried to get a lucky hit when he was looking away but wasn't able to and he cut off my leg.

I fell to the ground again, and before he was able to hit me with his sword I changed into his body guard and made him think I was her.

He looked surprised and stopped his hit.

"Go for it Gluttony." I screamed for Gluttony to take Ling down and eat him, but the stupid pipsqueak ran to him. I had to do something, I couldn't let Gluttony eat Edward he is an important sacrifice for Father.

I took him by the leg but Gluttony was fast and accidently ate me and Ling and Edward.

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