chapter 22: Ready, Set...I Don't Want To Go!

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*Back at home in Los Angeles*

"Catey, I'd like to make everything up to you. How about dinner at Le Nice." Bill said, out of absolutely nowhere. "But it's so expensive there, Bill." "Don't worry." Just then, Tom walked into the living room where we were sitting. It still felt awkward being in the same room as him ever since I found out how he really feels about me. Bummer, right? Exactly. "I'm going to go get dressed." I said. I didn't want to be where I still felt unwanted.

*Bill's POV*

"Hey, Bill. We need to talk, but home isn't the right place to do it, so before your fancy date with Catey, meet up with me at McDonalds. You don't have to order anything. I'm not eating either." said Tom. Wow, he must feel really bad about our fight on the plane. "Alright, that sounds cool. What time do you want me to be there?" "5:30. It won't be too long. Just get there and, since you'll probably get there before me, text me once you do get there so I can tell you where to sit." Why does that not sound right? "Okay." "Great, see you there!" "Yeah, see ya." And with that, he walked out of the house. It's 4:30 now, so I might want to get ready and explain to Catey what's going on so far.

*Caitlyn's POV*

I was checking my emails when Bill knocked on the door. "Catey, let's talk for a second." What is that supposed to mean? He can't be canceling Le Nice, surely not. "O...kay..." He usually doesn't start a conversation like THAT! "Tom wants to meet with me at McDonalds at 5:30 and I'm a little if-y about it. We can still have our nice dinner at 6:00. I promise. But if you don't want me to see him there, since we both know what he might want to talk to me about, I'll cancel." Oh, that's what was wrong. I should have known. "I don't mind if you see him at McDonalds. Bill, you didn't have to ask for my permission anyway." I said. "I know. I just don't want to go because I'm afraid of what he'll say." I kissed him and said, "Don't worry. Face your fear and have fun." (The have fun part did have some sarcasm intended.) "I love you, Catey." And he walked out so he could get ready for his meeting with Tom.

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