chapter 14 "La Bamba"

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"Catey, are you okay?" Bill asked. My eyes were huge. Did I mention I had window seat and I'm afraid of  heights? "Yeah! Just fine! It's just my first time on a plane. That's all." I smiled at him for reassurance. "Okay. It'll only be a few hours, so just rest a little and relax." He could tell I was scared. I felt sort of embarrassed. "Okay!" How can you "relax" when you could die in flames or water at any given moment? Oh, yeah! I've watched "La Bamba." Apparantly, Bill's watching me. "It's going to be okay, really." To make me feel better, he kept his arm around me and we watched the tiny tv together, but guess what was on. "La Bamba." You don't show that movie on a plane! Poor Ritchie Valenz.

A few hours later, we were in an airport in Asheville, North Carolina; not far from my home town, Waynesville. Leaving the airport, we rode in a silver porche. It would only take about thirty mintues.

We were there, right outside of my beautiful.......trailer! Yes, I live in a trailer, but it's in front of Walmart!

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