chapter 14

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"So Darla, are you here because another experiment has been activated?" Yuki asked.

"Yes, and to hang out with you guys of course," Darla replied. "Atticus said 520 was activated and he can make giant waves."

"That sounds bad." Elena said.

"Exactly," Darla nodded. "He might even flood the whole island like when Cherry and Patch were in that flood with Edmond."

"Atticus was there too." Patch said.

"Mostly protecting the others at Edmond's house from the owls." Darla said.

"Well, yeah, tht's true..." Patch had to admit right there. "Thank goodness we'll never see them again."

"They sound terrible." Yuki shuddered.

"I wasn't there and I agree with you." Darla nodded to her.

Stitch showed the others drawings of he made of Myrtle getting zapped by a UFO, almost getting eaten by a dinosaur, and was being visited by the Grim Reaper.

"Wow." Patch said.

"Stitch, that's mean." Lilo giggled, then frowned slightly. "Moses is right... We don't know what aloha means."

There was suddenly a loud thump which was followed by Pleakley's scream.

"What was that?" Yuki asked.

"The experiment?" Elena sounded nervous.

"We better go and find out." Darla said.

The group went downstairs.

Pleakley seemed to be knocked down and the stove was busted open.

"My evil genius improvements on stove were miracle!" Jumba laughed.

"New improvement!?" Pleakley glared. "It ruined my meatloaf!"

"What's going on?" Atticus asked.

"Jumba having one of his 'brilliant ideas'..." Pleakley deadpanned.

"Is improvement for dinner appearance..." Jumba gestured to the crisped up dish in the oven.

Pleakley then looked and actually smiled to that. "It is beautiful!"

"It is?" Mo asked confused.

"Pleakley's people must be cousins to Yugopotamians..." Cherry muttered slightly.

Stitch attempted to chew the crunched up meatloaf, but struggled and eventually spit it out in disgust and no use. "Icky."

Lilo sighed at the lump. "This is a good design for a sand sculpture... It's aloha... Kinda."

"I wouldn't exactly call that Aloha." Atticus said.

"I guess school wasn't so good." Cherry said.

"Not really..." Darla said. "Moses liked Myrtle's design better than anyone else's."

"That isn't fair." Mo said.

"Tell me about it," Darla crossed her arms. "You guys should've seen it."

"I can't beat Myrtle's design with a boring old sandcastle..." Lilo frowned.

"What is this Myrtle's design that is more superior than yours?" Jumba demanded.

"Duke Kahanamoku." the girls muttered.

"Who?" Mo asked.

"Hawaii's greatest athlete?" Pleakley asked.

"The Ambassador of Aloha?" Jumba asked.

"Brilliant!" the two aliens cheered.

Atticus soon elbowed them both in the stomach with just enough strength for them to know that wasn't helping. Lilo felt even more miserable and planted her head against the table.

"Oh, man, what is that smell?!" David grunted.

"Ugh..." Nani had a headache now.

"What you smell is the aroma of misery." Lilo droned.

"No, I think they actually smell the meatloaf." Patch said.

"Lilo, please cheer up..." Darla tried to comfort her friend.

"I'll try." Lilo frowned.

"I think I know what'll cheer up Lilo." David offered to help.

"What's that?" Yuki asked.

"Maybe you guys would like to come along." David invited.

"Yes, please." The girls smiled.

David picked up Lilo in his arms and walked to the hotel with the girls and Nani.

"David, the Birds of Paradise Hotel pool is for guests only," Nani reminded her boyfriend. "There were like ten signs!"

"She's right." Mo said.

"Well, I found a way through their system," David said as he took out a blue towel. "All the guests have blue towels and so do we."

"This sounds like a scam." Cherry narrowed her eyes.

"It sounds like our way into the pool." Darla smiled.

They were then at the hotel. David and Nani took their seats with their blue towels and had an 'instant vacation'.

"Come on, Stitch!" Lilo perked up instantly. "Photo Safari!"

"Yeah!" Darla smiled.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Cherry asked David since they technically weren't hotel guests.

"Relax, Lilo and I come here every time." David smiled casually.

"You WHAT?!" Nani gaped at him.

"Maybe you shouldn't have said that." Atticus said.

"Oh, chill out, and enjoy our--" David said before seeing the manager and quickly hugged Nani. "Honeymoon! Sweetheart..."

"Sir, ma'am, are you guests here?" the man asked suspiciously. "And are these others with you?"

"Yes, sir." Mo lied.

"What is your room number?" the man then asked.

"257/319." David and Nani said together nervously.

"Mm-hmm, well we don't have a room 257,319," the man glared to them. "And besides, today is Red Towel Day, not blue!"

David chuckled nervously. "Busted..."

"Oh, great." Cherry groaned.

The manager looked unhappy with them as Lilo cheered up by taking her infamous pictures of tourists.

"Maybe we should leave." Atticus said.

"Lilo? Stitch? Dimples?" Cherry looked around for the little girls and the alien.

"Where'd they go?" Mo asked.

Patch decided to go look for the others.

Lilo was looking over her photographs as she was standing by lockers.

"Shouldn't we be heading back to the others?" Darla asked.

"We will, just need to make sure which picture would be best." Lilo said.

Stitch then jumped out of one locker with a green hat, red sunglasses, a cape, and an S on his chest. Elena gasped fearfully.

"Stitch, why are you wearing those?" Yuki asked.

"Meega Superhero!" Stitch cheered.

"I think you overdid it." Teresa said.

"Guys... Look!" Elena pointed to show Gantu hiding behind a tree.

"Gantu!" the others gasped.

"He's after an experiment with a really big butt." Lilo said as she saw a pinkish alien hopping on his large rear.

"That's the experiment we need to catch!" Darla told them.

"Girls, there you are," Patch rushed over. "Listen, we need to--" he then looked around. "Wait, where's Stitch?"

The others looked around until they saw Stitch attempting to flirt with a human woman. Patch sighed out of annoyance before going over to Stitch. Stitch purred to the woman until he was suddenly taken away.

Darla's Adventures of Lilo and StitchМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя