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Annnnnnnd it's here, folks! Thank you for reading, for it means the world to me (despite how many people overuse those particular words.)

Without further ado....


As soon as I made contact, I didn’t feel that hot sensation, but rather a slightly cool one. Immediately, Jasper dropped me and I slumped to the floor. Renesmee and Edward knelt beside me as I choked in for breath, struggling to gasp down oxygen. It felt as if Jasper’s hand had made a cast against my neck that was still in place.

“Thomas!” Renesmee yelled. “Thomas, you need to breathe!”

“I. Am. Breathing.” I managed out.

“You need to breathe more!” Something about my appearance must’ve been worryingly off as it sounded like Renesmee was crying.

I tried as hard as I could to inhale, and after a few moments, I felt myself calm and my chest begin to rise.

“Better?” I muttered.

Renesmee sniffed. “Much.”

I made as if to stand up but was suddenly overwhelmed by a round of nausea. Edward caught me under the shoulder before I tripped. I noticed he was careful not to touch my skin. “Hang on there.” He said. “I think you must’ve hit your head.” But all the same, he, alongside Renesmee, kept me stable.

Jasper was now kneeling on the floor with Emmett beside him whilst Rosalie and Esme tended to a still knocked out Alice. I surveyed the sight for a moment, confused as to how all this had happened. I swear, had I just been having a normal conversation?

It was clear Alice wasn’t going to wake up soon, so after time, Esme and Rosalie made a move to pick her up, when Jasper suddenly got to his feet and snarled. “No! I’ll do it.” Then he scooped Alice up as if she weighed no more then a feather and darted out of sight.

Esme and Rosalie stood up. Emmett joined Rosalie, and then they both followed after.

Esme turned to me, abnormally pale at the twist of events, and put a hand to her un-beating heart. “Are you okay, Thomas?”

I managed a nod. “S-S-Sure. Just a bit rattled up.”

Then together, the three of them towed me to the living room. Jasper had laid Alice on the couch. Emmett and Rosalie were stood by the window, looking over. It was clear they were trying to give them, or rather Jasper, his space. Probably because they had just witnessed him go rogue.

Edward, Esme and Renesmee also deposited me on a sofa that was thankfully afar from Jasper too. Renesmee sat next to me, looking incredibly worried, whilst Edward folded his arms across his chest.

“I should phone Carlisle.” Esme said to no one in particular. "Thomas isn’t looking good and Alice...” she looked over at her youngest daughter, who was still pale and unconscious.

“That’d be a good idea.” Edward said.

Esme nodded and disappeared. I was starting to think it really was me who had caused this upon Alice. Rosalie sure as hell thought so. Judging by the firm, frequent and ferocious looks she kept shooting me, that is.

It was in no time at all that Doctor Cullen was present, being led in by Esme. She must’ve probably told him what had happened but that didn’t excuse his shocked expression.

“Oh my.” He said. First he approached Alice. It took a moment for him to murmur soft assurances to Jasper before he was allowed through. Carlisle probed her body for a moment, placing his fingers against her skin, leaning in to her nose, checking her irises. He straightened up and frowned.

Catching Renesmee (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now