Suppressed Depression

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Chapter 51

Suppressed Depression

One week later, Seth was flipping through the TV channels in complete and utter boredom. He had been released from the hospital yesterday and his parents thought it would be best if he stayed in the main house instead of out in the back yard.

Carolyn almost gnawed her fingernails to the nubs when he told her he only would if his dog could stay with him. Now the Siberian husky was curled up beside him on the bed, resting peacefully.

It had been one week since the angels had caught Jake and turned him over to the police, both Seth and Mira were still in shock. Immediately after she had gotten the call, the pregnant girl had started crying, whether from hormones or happiness. If Seth had not of been stuck in a hospital bed and been unable to sit up, he would have comforted her.

He was so stunned. He had asked Sara, Paige, and Ava to help him get back at Jake, but he never expected them to avenge him in such a way. He knew Mira had called the three other girls and thanked them profusely.

Seth was still not sure what was going to happen; he had given his testimony to the police when the interviewed him in the hospital. But he had not heard any other news from anyone.

He flipped past a couple more channels before settling on a daytime soap opera. He figured it was something Mira would like; drama with way too many things happening in one day.

Mira's blue eyes stared at the snowflakes dancing outside the classroom window. Her mind was completely adrift. Mr. Tepler's boring lecture was merely white noise in her head.

No two snowflakes are alike, she thought, that can't be right. Maybe there are two that are exactly the same, they just never told anyone.

The blonde remembered as a child running around and playing in the snow with her siblings. Making snowmen, snow angels, snow forts, having snowball fights, it was all so fun, and it always ended with hot chocolate or apple cider.

She wondered if Seth liked playing in the snow when he was little…

The Pascal siblings had gotten too old for playful snow days. Matt was in college and working all the time, Marli was busy with her own life of friends and preteen drama.

She missed her family. The last time she had spent anytime with them was when she and Matt had spent three days in the hospital after Seth was stabbed. The brother and sister had planned to spend the day together just watching movies, eating various mixtures of food, and being lazy. But instead he had spent the entire day comforting his sister and keeping her from hysterics

Marli had barely spoken to her recently. The youngest Pascal was apparently tired of being ignored by her family, so she had started rebelling lately. Audrey had nearly had a heart attack when her littlest girl walked down the stairs one day with pink streaks in her hair.

"Marlina Jenny Rebecca Pascal, what did you do to your hair?" The mother exclaimed loudly. Marli just scoffed and walked past her into the kitchen.

"Relax mom, it'll wear off in a month or two."

"A month or two! No, you go upstairs and wash it out right now!"

The rebellious girl narrowed her eyes and popped the tab off her soda with her black painted nails. Audrey inspected Marli's outfit, black skinny jeans, a ratty old black T-shirt, a dark jacket over it, and black sneakers.

"Honey," Audrey began gently, sitting on a chair and facing her daughter, "Is there something bothering you? You know you can tell me."

Marli took a swig of her soda, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and shook her head.

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