Papa Don't Preach

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Chapter 64

Papa Don't Preach

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Seth almost cried when he heard the incredibly loud beeping of his alarm clock reverberating through out the entire room. His head was pounding like crazy and he felt nauseous.

He brought his hand out from under the blankets and yanked the cord right out of the wall. The alarm shut off instantaneously. With a groan, he snuggled back into his bed and sighed.

What a fucking night. The last time he had gotten that drunk was when he slept with Paige. His right hand snaked across the nightstand for his phone to look to see if there were any drunken texts. When he couldn't find it, he lifted the pillow off his face and frowned. He squinted at the light and saw a folded piece of paper on the nightstand. He picked it up and unfolded it.


You probably don't remember calling me last night, but you were so smashed that you actually had me worried. Drink plenty of water and STAY IN BED!


Seth stared at the elegant handwriting with wide eyes. He had drunk dialed Ashley last night? What the hell was that about?

Seth pulled the pillow over his face and groaned again; school wasn't an option today. He could tell his mom he was feeling sick and she would let him stay home.

Matt helped Mira down the stairs the next morning. At seven months pregnant, steps were considered the enemy. Both Pascal siblings stopped when they saw their father sitting at the table. Audrey was standing at the counter.

"Dad?" they said simultaneously.

"Hey kids," he said quietly. Matt helped Mira sit in a chair before going over to the coffee pot.

"What are you doing here?" Mira asked her father. As excited as she was, she couldn't ignore the unreadable look on his face.

"I got a visitor last night," Adam said.

"Who?" she asked. Her father's behavior seemed strange.

"It was Seth's father," He answered. The bagel Mira was buttering slipped out of her hand and fell to the floor. Carrie swiftly gobbled it up.

"W-what?" she stuttered slowly. Matt looked at them over the rim of his coffee mug. Mira had confided in her brother about what had happened at the mini golf course. He had been very concerned that this strange man could be a threat to his sister.

"He came to my office last night," Adam leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Are you serious?" she asked, still clearly in shock. What the hell was Joseph doing talking to her father? Seth hadn't told her anything about the man other than that he was a bad person and it was safe for her to stay away from him.

"I am. And he told me some things… about Seth."

Mira's eyes widened.

"What… kind of things?" she asked slowly.

"I'm not going to go into details about what he said, but I'll give you the basic point. He said that Seth has, let's say, issues."

"What kind of issues?" Mira questioned, though her tone was anything but curious. It has hard and clipped, she didn't like where this was going.

"He said that Seth has problems respecting authority and has taken advantage of people in the past." he paused to take a long sip of his coffee. Mira crossed her arms over her large stomach.

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