Mommy Dearest

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Chapter 39

Mommy Dearest

"Does the family have any history of mental illness?" Mira asked, bringing the tip of her pen between her teeth.

Audrey leaned back in the family room recliner and thought for a second, "Not that I can think of"

Mira checked the 'no' box on the adoption paper.

"Heart failure?"


"What about migraines?"

"Yes, your great grandfather" Audrey watched with surprise as her daughter filled out the papers so maturely. "You know, you are being very adult about this whole situation."

The teen looks at her mother over the top of her clipboard, "What, you mean the adoption?"

"Yes, you know no one expects you to do this so maturely." She said gently. While she admired Mira's courage, she was worried. Her daughter seemed to have absolutely no emotions about this whole thing. The only time she talked to anyone was when she needed information about family history. And Audrey was at a complete loss of how to communicate with her.

"I know no one expects me to be mature," she answered tensely, "but someone has to be. I'm doing this by myself, remember?"

"That's just the thing," the older woman leaned forward and rested her hand on her child's knee, "You're not alone. You know that I'm always here for you."

"I know, mom"

"And so is your father."

"I know"

"And Seth is too," Audrey immediately knew she hit a nerve. Mira closed her pen and gripped the arm of the sofa to hoist herself to her feet.

"I'm gonna go run some errands" as she flung her purse over her shoulder and picked up her car keys, her mother spoke again;

"I know what Seth did really hurt you," Mira didn't look at her mother, but she could see her daughter's eyes close, "but the number one rule of becoming a mother is 'baby first'. Every decision you make has to benefit the baby. You try to make yourself cold to everyone so we can't see how scared you are. And honey, that's not healthy for you or the baby. Because once he or she is born and goes off to the adoptive family, you are going to need someone. You, your brother, and your sister are my world, but there are some things that not even I will be able to help you with." Audrey walked up behind her and place a gently hand on her back.

"I'm not going to force you to make any decisions regarding the baby, but just remember this; you're not the only one giving up a son or daughter. That child has one more parent who probably loves it."

A long silence filled the air. Mira's eyes remained squeezed shut as her mother's words ran through her head.

"I-I'll be back later," she said finally. She broke away from the older woman's hold and started for the door.

"Sweetheart…" Audrey said softly, but the teen just quickened her pace and was out the door before she could say another word.

Ava drummed her nails on the wooden countertop as she flipped through the latest issue of 'People'. Her dads had once again managed to get her to work a Saturday shift at their bookstore. And she was bored out of her mind, seeing as there were currently no customers.

She glanced up from her magazine at the sound of footsteps entering the store. Her eyes rolled when she saw who it was.

"We're closed."

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