Chapter 22

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 " Keep up girls, we have a long way ahead of us."

 Running in front, I direct them to a rest stop for the night. Sitting I face, four of the girls i chose to come with me. Alex, The golden wolf that has a Tan Muzzle, with her mischievous Amber eyes. Laid her head down on her paws next to, Bindi. She has Tan fur with Black around her, flashy Yellow eyes. Isabella, sat beside me, with her Reddish brown fur, cascading around, those dazzling, Aquamarine eyes. Asleep beside her, is Isabella. Her snowy white fur complementing, the sparkle in those Magenta, colored eyes.

 (*Lily* Isabella is certainly a treasure, she'll make a wonderful mother. But she also make a good Omega. Basically an Omega wolf, has the same level of importance as an Alpha, an Alpha takes charge, where an Omega sooths. she makes that big guy a great Mate.(*Sam* she certainly does, Beloved, especially when you go all, Momma wolf.(*Lily* Ha ha ha, you think your so funny.)

 Staying awake, because that's what an Alpha would do. I go in search of some food, for tomorrow. seeing the bushes move, I growl. Stumbling out of the bushes, a blue wolf, with stars, and angel wing markings on the fur, is a young wiccan. Passing out in exhaustion, the wiccan falls sound asleep. 

 At least I put the food by the Pack. I Pick her up by the scruff and walked to the the fire, with her dangling from my jaws. Putting her down by Isabella. I put my scruffy head down on my paws, and listened to the, night play it's wonderful, melody.

 Hearing a soft voice in my head, I tense my muscles slightly. But relaxed, when I realized it, was only wolf. (wolf) I miss Sam) Jeez wolf don't start whining, we get to see are, sister.(wolf) I know, but I want our mate, I miss his warmth, his masculine smell, the way his eyes shine, when he looks at us.) stop complaining, I miss him to, but we haven't seen, our soul sister in weeks. (wolf) But I want our mate) stop your whining wolf.(wolf) NO! I don't wanna. i can cry or sulk if I want to.) Fine goodnight. 

 Without the full mate-bond, Sam and I can't hear each others voices. But as the original Alpha, I can hear all my Packs Voices. Except Sam, Jazz and Andrew's, and if your wondering about Maggie i can hear hers because she's a child. Any child who calls out for help, whether they be human or magical, any Alpha Female, will answer. Before falling asleep I wake, Grace for the next watch.


 (Wolf) I want her back right now. You get your Butt moving toward that car, and get our Mate back) Dude I want her too but if we went and got her she would hate us forever. (Wolf) I guess your right, doesn't mean i'm happy about it.) Me either, wolf. At least we have Caspian and Mocha.

 Snuggling together by the fireplace, with some hot coco. We listen to the crackle the fire makes. "I miss Mommy" Caspian whimpers. Mocha yaps an agreement. Mocha decided to stay in her puppy form since Lily left. I asked her why and she said. " Have you ever changed a diaper before? I didn't think so." Well she had a point there.

 Cuddling the kids on the couch I fall in a pitiful sleep.

(*Lily* Did Sammy Whammy miss me. (*Sam* Ha ha ha, you know I did, Beloved.)


 "Ouch! who hit me?" Grumbling I sit up. Rubbing my eyes, I stumble off the couch, to get some breakfast ready, and a nice hot cup of coco. " Daddy! Daddy! We're hungry." Looking around I see all of the Pack, with Lily's brothers too sitting around the Table. 

 Whining low in my throat, I turn my puppy eyes on the girls, which always works on Lily. Seeing their exasperated expressions. I get Becca and Naomi, too help me with the cooking, under one condition I do all the dishes. Agreeing, I figure I can get the kids to do them for a couple of bucks.


 Standing, I shake the leaves out of my fur. Sitting down I Howl. Everyone jerked awake, telling the young pup to change. you'll never guys the shock, I got when I discovered it to be Stella. Shifting myself I ask her why she didn't stay with Sam. " I miss My Mommy, Auntie Lily." bursting into tears, I grab her in a hug. Standing there for awhile she finally calms down. Asking if she'd like to ride on my back or be a wolf, she chose to sit on my back. 

 After eating, she jumps on my back, getting her settled. We set off at a brisk pace. A little while later, I set our pace to running. Stopping at a burger-king. I order, twelve triple, BK stakers, six chocolate shakes, and six large fries to go. Walking to the park we eat. Talking to the girlsI cuncluded, that Isabella take Stella, next. 

 " Stella sweet heart we have to go" 

" Okay, Auntie Lily. I'm coming!"

 Starting back on track, I send a message that we'll be there, in about another day.

 Stopping at Olive Garden, we eat a great meal. After stuffing our selves, we go to the rest stop, build a fire, aand fell into a peaceful, and deep sleep. Leaving Isabella, for first watch and Alex for last watch.

(*Lucy* you guys sure did take awhile. (*Lily* Yeah, well we were, traveling with a four year old. Sitting on our backs.(*Lucy* i know Lily, I was just worried, I love you so much, not to.(*Lily* I love you too.)


 Finally reaching the estate, we stop in shock, at how big it is. Whispering to the girld. " Well that would defanitly fit our whole family." The girls snicker at that. Walking up to the door, I let out a Howl, and in anwser that gate was opened. Not wanting to change human until, I knew if the would be friendly, I had Stella knock on the door, and rush back behind me. What happened next shocked all of us girls.

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