Chapter one

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Gushing rain and wind paraded over the school as orihime and ichigo dashed through the school gates "come on orihime, hurry before we drown"
"I'm running as fast as I can ichigo"
Upon entering the school, The pair were harshly greeted by their classmates Chad and uryu, who were also drenched from the drastic rain. A bit moody from being soaked uryu scolded ichigo for getting him even more wet by shaking his orange hair "ichigo! Cut it out! If I wasn't wet enough".

 Chad silently starred until he noticed orihime's shirt was quite see through... Ichigo, curious to what Chad was  gauking at, looked in the same direction.. "Orihime!!" He exclaimed as he swiftly grappled a cardigan from his school bag and flung it over her chest. "I told you to run as fast as you could and now y-your... Boo- ... Brea- ... Things are on full display!"

"I can't help it!" She exclaimed as she slightly turned raspberry colour. Just as uryu was about to input, the school bell rang, alerting them that if they didn't leave now they were going to be late.

Each of the gang sat at their seats, patiently waiting for class to begin. Uryu as usual was all ready to study hard in the lesson, orihime was doodling bunnies on her class book, Chad was silent staring at he door and ichigo gormlessly stared out of the window watching the rain drop race down the glass. "Okay class, before we start we have a new student that will be joining us." The teacher announced.

Everyone immediately drew their attention to the front of the class, examining the new girl that stood before them. "Her name is (y/n) (l/n), (y/n) why don't you tell everyone a little bit about yourself." She stood quite nervous In front of a class of about 25 students, she could feel herself reddening and getting quite hot. "My names (y/n) and I've just moved from (h/c - home country)... We moved here about 2 weeks ago since my mum got offered a job here." (Y/n) blurted out. She spoke so fast that hardly' anyone caught what she had said. "(Y/n) you are obviously nervous starting a new school, but we'll try our very best to make you feel at home, please take that spare seat" the teacher said smoothly as he held his arm out pointing towards the table next to the boy with the orange hair. 

(Y/n) looked up from the floor to look at her new neighbour, who was staring at her as if she had something written on her face. When ichigo realised he had been caught gazing at the new girl, he jolted her gaze back to the window in attempt to hide his blush. (Y/n) let out a little giggle and proceeded to her chair.

(Y/n) couldn't help but figit in her chair as the day was nearing an end, she hadn't spoke to any of the other students and hadn't really took any of the lesson in due to nervousness. All (y/n) wanted to do was flop on her bed and hope for a better day. The bell rang and the teacher stood up "right class that's it for today, I will see you tomorrow." Everyone gathered their belongings and started to leave.

 As (y/n) was trying to rush, she attempted to grab everything at once but failed and dropped half of her books and stationary, panicking that someone had seen and thought she was useless she dropped to the ground and aimlessly lunged at her stuff. Her favourite pink fluffy pen had rolled a little out of reach, not looking where her hand was going she grabbed out for it, instead of grasping her pen she had hold of a hand. She quickly looked up to discover ichigo had reached for her pen and she had grabbed his hand by accident. (Y/n)'s face immediately turned red as she pulled her hand away. "I'm so sorry, I meant to grab my pen but I wasn't looking, I'm so sor-"

"Don't sweat it, honest mistake" ichigo laughed as he interrupted (y/n).
(Y/n) let out another little giggle at the orange haired boy as he handed her her favourite pen.
"I'm ichigo, nice to meet you. I thought since we'd be sitting next to eachother for the next year that I'd at least acquaint myself with you"
"I'm (y/n), nice to meet you" you responded, letting a little smile show. Her (e/c) eyes locked onto his and for a second (y/n) was lost, she gazed upon him for quite some time before he asked "are you okay (y/n)?" Quickly snapping out of the trance, (y/n) blushed and assured him that she was fine and grabbed the rest of her stuff and ran.

Later on that night, ichigo was laying In his bed after eating his extra large dinner that his motherly sister prepared for the family. He starred at the ceiling, not a care in the world, not a worry in his mind. Memories of the day flooded his mind, his face displaying embarrassment as he remembers orihime's showy display, which turned to a smirk when he remembered that he shortly after pissed off uryu. 

He then recalled looking at the new girl... He thought of her (h/l) (h/c) hair sitting amongst her shoulders and her (s/c) skin sparkling in the light. Ichigo began to smile and blush, which he soon shook off as he exclaimed to himself "why are you thinking about her." Soon after giving himself a slight lecture, he again fell into a trance as he recalled looking at her from the corner of his eye during the lesson, the way she nodded as she was listening to the teacher, the way she stuck her tongue out when she wrote and many other little but cute traits of her. 

 Again, ichigo snapped himself out of his little daydream and slapped himself across the face. "I think it's time I got some shut eye, by the looks of it, I'm not really thinking straight." Ichigo climbed into his bed and turned off his night lamp and drifted to sleep.

Days had passed and (y/n) was starting to become a little more at ease in her new class, her new friend ichigo kept her company during lesson and helped her with the things that she didn't quite get. She couldn't help but think about how cute he looked when he was trying to explain something but couldn't find the words. Ichigo noticed her gaze and smile and quickly interrupted her little day dream. "Hey (y/n), why don't you hang with us on lunch. I'll introduce you to everyone?" Ichigo suggested.
Surprised and relieved (y/n) agreed and nodded. She had spent most of her lunches crammed in the corner, by herself so (y/n) was nervous and excited to make some new friends.

"Uryu, orihime, Chad... This is (y/n), I said she can have lunch with us from now on so everyone be nice!"
"Hiya" everybody said in unison.
(Y/n) smirked as she was welcomed to sit next to orihime. "So how are you liking school (y/n)?" Orihime asked.
"It's better than my old one that's for sure, I honestly love it here!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she jumped out her seat.
"Well I'm glad! We're all gonna be friends forever (y/n) just you wait and see" orihime shouted as she extended her arms out and grabbed your neck almost suffocating you with her large boobs. The rest of the gang laughed as (y/n) reached for air.

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