Chapter 53

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The next morning i woke up and brought the girls down to the living room were my mum and dad were already waiting draco came behind me and i put the girls down on the living room floor then though lilabeth stood up and walked towards the presents lilith followed. "The diamonds on those bracelets change color according to their moods" draco told my parents when the girls opened their bracelets "oh sweety i love it" my mum said when she opened the box with all the things i gave her "it mustve cost a fortune" she said "i borrowed money from draco well either way in a couple years itll be the same money" i said "what do you mean?" my father asked "draco asked me to marry him last year" i said. "Hmph" my father said and opened the present i gave him "is this a real basilisk fang?" he asked and i nodded "its coated in phoenix tears so you dont have to worry about getting hurt" i said then he opened draco's "oh my i didnt even get one like this when i came of age thank you malfoy" he said. "Yes thank you for my present as well oh here are your presents me and your father wore them when we were younger as well" my mother said and handed each of us a box inside was a piece of the Yin and Yang sign. "Remember i was a hippie and your father was a lumberjack when we met so we were opposites and so are you two your a pure blood" she pointed to draco "and your a half blood and your nice while he excuse this is mean" she said and i hugged her. I put on the necklace and took off the one that was like liz's and the one draco gave me. "What is that?" my father asked me pointing to my arm my left forearm "what is what dad i only have my arm there" i said covering my arm he thrust my sleeve backwards "what is that?" he asked pointing to my dark mark when he saw it he leapt back "how how is it that that your a death water they hurt people like your mother you know" he said "i know daddy its just that this summer Tom Riddle thought i came of age and he did this to me i swear i didnt wanna they used the cruciatus curse on me twice and wouldnt and then they put me under the imperius curse so that id do it". Tears were streaming down my face draco hugged me "its all your fault malfoy i bet your one of them" my dad said and pulled draco from me then my dad pulled up draco's left sleeve to reveal his dark mark i started to cry harder as my dad started to yell at draco then he punched him in the stomach. "It wasnt his fault" i yelled "it was because of my father hes a death eater!" my mom had taken the girls out of the room now when she entered her mouth fell open she knew what a detah eater was my father kneed draco in the face but then what i said seemed to sink in. He pulled draco up bu his hair "is that true is her father a death eater?" he asked draco spit out blood and then sputtered "the most trusted" "alright then" he said and pushed draco into me i caught him in my arms and hugged him eventhough he was really bloody and i was wearing a white dress. "How did this happen we have to get you out of this" my father said "the only one that coudlve helped me was dumbledore and hes dead by my father's hand" i said my father shook his head "im leaving tomorrow father" i said simply and went upstairs dragging draco behind me. "How could my father do this to you draco?" i said when i saw his face "i learned a spell to remove severe bruises" i said and took out his wand then said "finite" his nose got fixed because itd been broken and his eyes that had been black only had dark shadows underneath and his lip only had a mark like mine then i said the spell but directed it at his stomach were he had a ugly black blue purple and yellow bruise it diasapeared slightly. "I'll do it again later for now just rest" i told him and laid him down on the bed of my room, i cleaned the blood off his face and saw he had a small bruise on his cheek. I grabbed the towel that i used to wipe the blood then ran downstairs "See this? This is the blood you made draco lose!!!! God sometimes i hate you so much!!!!" i yelled and waved the towel infront of his face then i threw it down infront of him then ran back upstairs i sat down in my little cupboard and started to cry then i fell asleep. A little later i woke up in the cupboard and crawled out Draco was still sleeping so i tip toed to my drawers and took out an old gothic dress that i hadnt worn in years i made sure it was short enough before i went downstairs. I sat down at the table and my mom served me lunch i didnt speak except to my mom "so were going to go back to school early tomorrow mum well need to aparate to hogsmeade then well walk from there to hogwarts" i told her "Alright dear" my mum said and served my father lunch coldly.

The next morning i woke up really early and pulled on another old dress that had always fit me big

I put my blue coat over it and put on black flats draco put on his regular black suit now. "Bye mum" i said when me and draco were leaving "i am so sorry over this whole thing" my mum said "i hope draco gets better" she said and kissed me like the french 1 on each cheek. We aparated to hogsmeade then walked to hogwarts i sent lizzy a letter and the next day she came to hogwarts "What happened to you bro?" she asked when she saw him. "Mar's dad beat me up" he said "he was much worse before" i said then fixed his bruises a bit "wow why?" she asked and we exlained everything to her.

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