Chapter 44

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was wearaing a square like dress and so was lizzy but when we saw the guys they still looked at us with wide open mouths "told you now change it" me and lizzy yelled at draco at the same time and he waved his wand to make us have I pumped up my hair a little and put a jersey headband in. "Happy Birthday" all 3 of them said at the same time blaise handed beth 3 boxes at the same time and crabbe gave me 3 boxes at the same time and goyls gave draco 3 boxes "birthday presents" they explained "awww" i said and hugged crabbe then blaise then goyle. They gave me 35 galleons in total from all 3 of them, "you can never give real presents can you?" i said "draco gave lizzy 10 galleons too" "ya well now i have 45 galleons" beth giggled "here you can put them in my purse" she said. "Lets go in already its cold out here" i said shuddering "dementors" draco whispered in my ear "why didnt i feel it before" i whispered back "patronus" he whispered. We all went in and i got a tiny ring into my nose beth got a green stud "to diagon alley now" i said war like and with a pang of pain i remembered last year when we did this but it was george fred and ginny. I was simling like an idiot until i saw diagon alley it was so sad nothing that wasnt voldemort-like was even their anymore. "I dont think i wanna buy anything here" i said "ill just get these galleons turned to muggle money and me and lizzy will shop in muggle town" i said heading to gringotts i heard blaise whispering behind me "your girlfriend is a muggle lover?" "no she just likes their imitation of us clothes" draco answered him, he didnt realize i was friends with them. Me and Beth got our money changed, i fought an urge to go to the twin's store but i decided against it "Lets go" i told lizzy and veered her out of diagon alley and out of the leaky cauldron. We each bought a new pair of all stars and a new nose ring. When we were going looking for draco and the guys a couple of masked figures stopped us "Keith Marie?" one asked me and i nodded slowly. Suddenly one took me by the arm and the other grabbed my other arm and we apparated then i was infront of Malfoy Manor "what do you want!?" i yelled at them as they dragged me inside. "The dark lord would like to see you" one said and i recognized that voice "stan stan shunpike?" i asked he looked my way and i spit in his face "a-hole traitor! Its thanks to harry potter youre free! and your working for voldemort!" i yelled "i broke out aint thanks to potter" he said back. I was dargged to a dark room were voldemort was standing waiting patiently "what do you want with me?" i whispered "i believe that today you are coming of age are you not?" he asked me patiently "no" i said. "Liar!" he said and raised his wand a sharp pain surged through my body making me scream and kneel down "now i will ask you again are you coming of age today?" he asked again i said no and again the pain surged through me. "Enough of this just do it" Bellatrix said "ah my dear Bella in this form it is more formal" he said patiently "she does not deserve formalities my lord" she said "i believe you are right" he said "you do it" "imperio" she screeched and suddenly i was floating on air floating to voldemort. "Now i will do a spell on your arm alright?" he said and i nodded giddily he said some weird spell and my arm started to burn but i didnt scream at all. I closed my eyes and when he stopped speaking i opened my eyes and there on my arm was the dark mark "Now do you promise to do whatever i tell you to?" he asked i nodded slowly as a tear fell from my eyes. "You may leave" he said and i ran away ran all the way up to draco's room theere i sat down on the window sill and started to cry holding my hand to my forearm to my chest. A few minutes later the tears stopped coming i felt no pain i felt nothing then the fire started to crackle and out came draco and lizzy, i looked away and lizzy said "what did they want?" she asked i didnt say anything i just took my hand off my chest and showed it to her still looking out the window. Lizzy gave a little shreak draco gasped "but y-your o-only 16!" lizzy shrieked tears streaming down her face "i told him i wasnt of age, he didnt believe me" i said simply "they made me i-i really didnt wanna" i said "imperius" draco muttered and i nodded sadly. Lizzy wrapped her arms around me and i started to cry into her shoulder "how could they? my father would have surely told them you werent of age yet i know-" draco cut her off "father? p-lease dont make me laugh i already told you he cares for noone but lord voldemort" he said. I kept crying silently What did they want with me? Why did lord voldemort do this to me? Why Why Why was this happening to me? "Sweety its going to be alright youll see" Lizzy said wrapping her arms around me again "no it wont hes going to make me kill my bestest of friends hell make me kill innocent people hell make me kill muggles!" i screeched "I though you didnt care for muggles anymore nor bloodtraitors nor mud bloods" draco said "i dont but theyre innocent people what did they ever do!" i yelled. "Next year itll be you Elizabeth" draco said quietly "i wont let them hurt my little sister i couldnt do anything to stop them from hurting the one i love but i will potect you, you wont become like us like our parents" draco said grabbing liz's hands.

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