Chapter 41

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Im walking in the forest with my baby girls but their like a year old already because they can walk Draco is with us just then though hooded figures appear infront of us. Draco grabs lilabeth and i garb lilith then we pick them up in one swift movement and then we start to run away. Im wearing a little summer dress and flats so i cant run that fast but we run for our lives then a green jet of light comes and hits draco he puts down lilabeth then he falls down his eyes black and lifeless i start to cry and grab onto his body and my girls say "mommy thewes a bwad guy theaw and hes coming towads us" and another one says "is dwaddy dead?". "No hunny daddy is just asleep" i say to her forcing a smile then another jet comes and hits lilith her tiny body falls and lilabeth screams but another jet hits her i cry now my whole family is gone and then i am too a green jet hits me.

-end dream-

I woke up draco is next to me on the bed and a big cradle had appeared in a corner my girls were in their i hugged draco letting big fat tears hit him. He woke up and saw me crying "wah happened?" he asked me groggily "nightmare" i said simply he sat up right and opened his arms i crawled into his lap and he wrapped his arms around me. "Tell me what it was about" he said and i told him everything about it "oh come on now no one would kill us were on the death eater's side and the order of the phoenix dont kill" he said comforting me. "I know but if i lost you i dont know what i would do" i said looking up at him "sweety youll never loose me" he said pulling me up higher and putting his head on top of mine i pressed my lips to his and he layed back to touch the bed frame we kept kissing but soon though we stopped. "I love you i dont wanna lose you either" draco said "even if im only like a quarter blood" i asked id barely remembered "even though i thought that i would never love someone like you yes" he said. "The great draco malfoy loves a mud blood? What.A.Surprise" i said "dont call yourself that your more like a half blood" he said with a frown i was so happy with that, i wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him roughly he fell back onto the pillow and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love you even more now babe" i said letting him go "i have always loved you to the fullest extenct" he said i smiled then rolled onto my side of the bed, i wrapped my arms around him then fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning early and went to lizzy's room when i walked inside though she was awake and was talking to someone blaise zabini "whats going on here?" i asked and they both looked my way. Blaise's eyes popped when he saw me lizzy stuttered "its its not w-what it looks like" she said "explain" i said simply "w-well ummm ah alot of people left after us and blaise simply came to stay with draco but accidently walked into my room instead of draco's" she said. "Uhuh sure" i tapped my heel "ok ok weve been seing each other for a little while" lizzy said looking down "cheating on george?" i said "i thought you loved him?". "I did but then blaise asked me out and i said yes because if i said no hed tell draco adn draco would ask why and then hed find out about me and george but then i had a good time with blaise and he asked me out again and i said yes and anyway eventually i started to really really like him and so when he asked me to be his girlfriend i said yes" she said quickly. "Besides i told george i was uber sorry about this whole thing and he said it was all okay that he wanted to break up with me but was worried about what id think since you know we did it he said that he liked angelina now so its all cool" she said finally taking a breathe. "Okay but did it have to be blaise zabini?" i asked her "i mean wont draco be mad?" i asked, she didnt know about slughorns party " i dont care what draco thinks" she said "well why is he here?' i asked "like i sad a few people left after we did and blaise left" she said. "You.Speak" i said pointing to blaise "who are you? i thought draco was with Mar" he said eeying my pijama shirt which was draco's quiditch shirt and basically it seemed like i was wearing no pants "i am Mar you idiot my hair is just longer with bangs and black" i said. "Wow you look totally different" he said, i walked to lizzy and sat next to her "and hot" he added lizzy gasped "oh but not hotter than you" he added quickly. "So what are you staying now" i asked him "probably if her parents let me although lucius has always had a crush on my mother so im pretty sure he will" he replied "koo" i said. "Well imma go change dont make another teen pregnancy while im gone" i said at first blaise looked confused "another?" he asked "let lizzy explain" i said and left. I got dressed quickly in and volumized my hair with this new spray thing making sure my curls looked good and pumped. I walked back to her room and blaise and her were making out "decided to ignore my warning huh?" i said and they parted quickly "ya pretty much-" he said but then saw my outfit and his eyes popped lizzy grabbed a magazine and slapped him on the head with it "hey liz come here" i said and brought her to my room "put this on" i said throwing at her. She did and we went back to her room and now blaise's eyes popped at her.

When draco woke up the four of us went down to breakfast "you truly look hot" draco whispered in my ear "i know" i whispered back. "We should go swimming today" i said excitedly "ya we should" lizzy agreed "okay, blaise you can borrow a swimsuit from me" draco said. We sat down and it was only us three so i said thank you to the elves as they served us pancakes "your welcome mrs.malfoy" the elf said, draco started to fill his mouth with pancakes when i looked at him like what-did-you-tell-the-elves? look. I blushed madly though and then started to fill my own mouth "so lets go swim" lizzy said when she finished eating "fine" i groaned "it was your idea" she said "ya well" i said.

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