Chapter 54

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~fast forwarding to February~

The past few weeks had gone by horribly neville had been being tortured really often now and apparently they tried getting at his gran now though he was completely dissapeared and lizzy seemed to be alright about it all for some reason. It was almost valentines day and i was making a big deal over planning a surprise for draco but today i was called to the office i made sure my uniform was all wrong i made my skirt rise high and undid the top buttons of my shirt and loosened my tie then i took of my robe. Now i was ready to go i left my common room then walked off to the office "what do you want?" i asked snape when i saw him "sit down" he said. I didnt "alright then" he paused "your home it was raided and the house was burned the only things that werent burned are in this box" he threw the shoebox were i kept my pictures at me inside now besides my pictures was a hairbrush id given my mother and the basilisk fang i gave my father. "What happened to them?" i asked calmly "their bodies weren not found but we have reason to believe that" he paused again "that they were tortured then killed" "and my girls?" i asked calmly again to my surprise he laughed a bit "they are quite smart for their age they aparated to the weasley's" he said. I smiled at the thought of my daughters apparating "thank you" i said then i walked out i walked to the common room without crying then i walked into draco "my parents are dead and the girls apparated to the weasley's" i said "and the last thing i told my father was that i hated him" i laughed then i started to cry. He lifted me then took me to my room and laid me down on my bed "this is all thats left of the place that i grew up" i said and gave him the box "i just need to chilll out" i said then i changed into a jumpsuit and i put on flats then i walked out of the common room. I walked around then i went up to the owlery i jumped out the window but before i could yell 'accio' something grabbed me and i blacked out. I woke up in a room with lizzy tied up and hanging from the ceiling infront of me i was tied the same way suddenly someone entered and i looked over my shoulder 'Bellatrix' she had a whip in her hand "so i hear youve been spying on dracki" she said "no i have not" i said "LIAR!" she yelled and started to whip my back it hurt so much i was screaming my head off but she didnt do anything but whiped me. "Now will you tell the truth and admit that you spied on draco?" she said calmly "no because i didnt" i yelled and this time she yelled 'crucio' and again i yelled loudly lizzy didnt stir. They tortured me until i was super bloody i had gashes made into my face i had bruises on my face and all over my body i didnt know how much time passed they didnt feed me only water i only had short breaks they had started to torture lizzy now too saying that she knew about me being a spy she wouldnt admit it neither would i. Finally one day they brought pansy into the room "alright dear this girl here has been a spy for us on you" bellatrix said "and she says you were a spy" bellatrix said i still wouldnt give in "you dirty little lying sneaky slut" i told pansy fiercly. "Do not insult her!" bellatrix yelled and hit me in the face pansy go on her tip toes and whispered in my ear "you know if you or elizabeth dont give in they can always go to lilith and lilabeth". Small tears ran down my eyes "alright alright you already hurt my parents dont hurt my girls because of what i did i was lying to draco im still friends with blood traitors muggles and muggle borns and i did spy on him last year" i said. Bella let out a gleeful laugh "now we cannot kill you due to the fact that your snape's daughter but you will have to tell draco what you did and so will you elizabeth" she said calmly "alright just dont hurt the ones i love" i said and looked down. They let me go but they sort of threw me down a tunnel and a second later i was looking up at draco "m-mar were have you been ive been so worried what happened to you?" he asked looking at me, im sure i looked terrible my dress was torn i knew it was just terrible. "They tortured me i need to tell you something draco" i said standing up and moving to the couch now "when you told me you were a death eater i was afraid youd die so i went to dumbledore" i lied i knew snape musnt be found out "and i became a spy because i didnt want you to be hurt i didnt want you to die" i said. "So our whole relationship has has been a lie?" he asked me "no ofcourse not just the part were i hate muggle borns/blood traitors/muggles" i said he stood up and paced around. When he turned to face me again i was met by the back of his hand this time though it was a punch not a slap "get away from me i never want to speak to you again you lying bich!" he yelled and picked me up by the neck of my dress then threw me to the girls dorm, it hurt but not nearly as much as the torture. I slowly stood up then walked to the girl's dorm "marie were leaving" lizzy told me when i saw her "what were?" i asked her "with neville a bunch of people have been going to live in in the R.O.R. were going there" she told me "pack a change of clothes and other necesities" she told me i nodde then went to my dorm i packed a pair of loose jeans a loose shirt my purple pair of all stars the shoebox and my wand plus a pair of pjs which was a pair of sweats and a loose shirt. "Ready?" lizzy asked me i nodded then we walked to the R.O.R. out of our comfortable life and into our survival life

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