Chapter 33

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Emma's POV:

David, Hook and I went back to the station after we had finished our meal. David and Hook did made a lot of conversation while we were eating. They made jokes and weird conversations while I'm just laughing along with them.

"Swan, I think I'm going to head back to my ship now." Hook told me once the three of us got into the station.

"Okay. David, I'll send him out." I told him before Hook and I walked out of the station.

"Do you wanna walk back or should I drive you?" I asked Hook.

"Let's talk a walk, Swan." He said. I nod my head as I follow him. This time we're holding each other's hand while walking. We took a walk to the other side of 'not so famous Storybrooke' area before going back to the harbour.

"Follow me." Hook said as he placed his hand behind my back. The harbour and his ship did not changed that much since the last I saw it. Except, there are more rum barrels inside his ship's deck. I saw Smee doing his job at the corner of his ship. Well, most probably scrubbing the floor boards. Once he saw, Hook and I, he quickly stood up and greet us.

"Nice to see you again, Smee." I smiled to him. He wasn't that bad to me when I was kidnapped by Hook.

"Likewise, Emma." He smiled back at me.

"Mr. Smee, you don't have to scrub the floor boards now. You could do it later once you've finished eating your lunch." Hook said.

"Yes, Capt'n." He nod his head before going below the decks, leaving Hook and I standing at the docks awkwardly.

I cleared my throat before asking, "Hook, do you think my magic will ever come back?" I missed my magic even how much I hated to admit.

"I dunno, love. But my guess it will. Maybe once we've defeated Zelena, your magic may magically return." He said.

"Yeah, that's if we defeated Zelena." I mumbled.

"We will." He said as he kissed my cheek. Now I think that may be the time to ask him about what's his history with Regina.

"Hook?" I said as I placed my hands on his shoulder to get his attention to me. "Can I asked you something?"

"Yeah, sure." He said.

"I hoped this is not a sensitive subject to you but I've always noticed that you and Regina bickered with each other a lot." I paused a moment to see his blank expression face. "Do you guys knew each other before we were in Storybrooke?" I asked.

"Yes. Yes we do." He nod his head sternly.

"So we're you guys like, um, dated each other before?" I awkwardly asked him. I probably sounded like a freaking idiot to ask this question.

"No, Swan. But she and I used to...ahem! Do that...stuff." He cleared his throat. "But it obviously stopped long ago. Before I met you." He quickly said as he noticed me staring in disgust.

"Oh." That's the only thing I can think of to say to him.

"I used to work for Regina. For example, killing her mother, Cora." He said.

"That failed, didn't it?" I said as I knew the answer. If Cora is dead, she wouldn't be reunited with Regina in Storybrooke.

"That it did." He sighed. "We stopped it once i realized that it's distracting me to find a way to kill Rumplestiltskin." He said. "And it's also distracting her to find a way to kill Snow."

I took a deep breath before saying, "so basically this is your history with Regina?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Uh, yeah." He said but not looking into my eyes. I know there's still something he is not telling me but I'm not going to pushed it since he have told me so much. In some way, I felt really really uncomfortable when he told me.

"Swan, I have to head down to the decks to check my mates." He said. I nod my head as he said a quick goodbye. I sighed as I walked back to the station alone. I know I have the answers that I wanted but at this point now, I wished I didn't asked him. The feeling I get when I know the two of them slept with each other before made me emotionally puke. But mostly is jealously. You shouldn't feel any jealousy, Emma! You don't have the right to.

While I was walking down the streets, Zelena suddenly appeared in front of me that made me to stepped one step behind.

"Hello, lovely." She smirked.

"Zelena." I said. "We know what you are going to do when the time is right."

"Oh, and what is it?" She tilt her head.

"You're going to enact a time traveling spell."

"Well, then, you and your friends are quite smart. If you know that, you know what I need for it." She said.

"The Dark One's dagger is an example." I said.

"Bingo! So, this is just a fair warning to you and the ones that you love, don't ever get in my way or else, well, someone you love will have to pay the price." She said, taking a step closer to me before chuckling.

"We wouldn't want that to happen, would we?" I asked in sarcasm.

"Yes, Emma. Before I leave, I just want to say, whoever that pays the price, will suffer before they meet the end of their life." She grinned widely before poofing herself to the air.

The part where she says someone is going to pay the price, it really scared me for a bit. I don't want to loose anyone anymore in my life. Especially the ones that I loved and cared about. After I had let down some of my walls, I don't want it to be up again unless it's really necessary.

Suddenly, my phone rang in my pocket. I took it out and the caller is David. He must be worried since I've been gone for like almost an hour and a half. I answered the call.

"David?" I said.

"Emma. Are you alright? Because you've been out with Hook for a really long time." He dragged the word really.

"I'm fine. I'll come back to the station in another ten minutes." I said.

"Okay." He said before hanging up the call. I paced my phone back in my pocket before walking silently along the street.


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