Chapter 41

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Emma's POV:

I laid in bed for almost an hour or so before getting up to clean my room since its been forever since I had clean my room. I found some magazines laying on the table and some under the bed so I pick it up and arrange it nicely on my shelf. Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring. I saw Mary Margaret opening the door so I get back doing what I did. I heard some whispers but ignored it. Then there's footsteps walking up the stairs, coming to my room.

"Swan." Someone says. And that someone is surely is Hook. I pause at what I'm doing and turn around to face him. I thought he's not coming since the date might be cancel.

"Hey." I mumbles.

"Come on, Swan. Your mother told me that you've been in your room for hours." He says.

"I was laying on my bed then now I'm cleaning my room." I say.

He sighs. "Let's go out, Swan."

"Uh, you mean the date?" I asks.

"If you want to go on the date, we still can but if you don't want to, we could take a walk or something." He says.

"Fine." I roll my eyes before he gets down to let me change. I changed into a plain white top and a pair of black skinny jeans. I grab my phone and my red leather jacket before heading down.

"Guys, I'm heading out." I told my parents. I slip on my flats before Hook and I went out.

"So where do you want to go?" Hook asks me.

"Can we go sailing around Storybrooke?" I asks with my puppy eyes.

He chuckles and nod his head. "I miss sailing anyways so why not." We walk in silence before reaching the harbour. He held out his hand for me to take it to get to his ship. I hold onto his hand as he brings me up to the deck. Surprisingly, there's no one on the ship including Smee.

"Don't worry, love. The rest of my crew including Smee, are not in my ship. They're somewhere in Storybrooke." Hook says. I nod my head. We started sailing around the whole Storybrooke before nightfall.

"Swan, I know the date for tonight is cancelled but since we're already out and its nightfall, why don't we call this as a date?" Hook says.

"Okay if that includes dinner because I'm starving." I joke. He let out a deep chuckle.

"Granny's?" He asks.

"It's fine by me." I say then we walk from the harbour to Granny's. The streets today are slightly busier than usual around this time. When we enter Granny's, most of the tables are occupied. People are sitting in groups chattering all the way which made Granny's more crowded.

"Emma! There's a sit here for you two." Ruby yells over the noisy crowd; pointing at the table that is at the corner.

Hook and I walk over to where she told us and we sat down. I already know what to eat since everyday I spend most of my time in Granny's other than the station.

"I'll have the grilled cheese onion and vanilla milkshake, please." I told Ruby. She writes down the order before turning to ask Hook.

"And you, Hook?" She asks.

"I'll have cheese burger with fries." He says with a nod. She writes down his order before leaving us to place the orders.

"It's really rare to have such a crowd at this time of the night. Usually people in Storybrooke stays at home." I say, making a small conversation with Hook.

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