Chapter 43

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Emma's POV:

Once it's already 8pm, David and I drove back home. Hook went back to his ship after he had finished eating dinner with the two of us. David and Hook have a lot of things in common so it was not a hard thing for them to do. I could tell by the way David talks to Hook that he starts warming up to him. I knew sooner or later they'll get used to each other's presence.

"Mary Margaret, we're back." I say as David and I enter the loft, talking off our shoes. I saw a pair of shoes that I have never seen before in this house. A visitor. Just then, Mary Margaret walk out of the bathroom with an unknown lady.

"Hey, Emma, David." She says, hugging us.

"So, who is your visitor here?" I ask.

"Her name is Sarah. She is going to be taking care of your little brother for me." She answers.

"Oh. Hi, Sarah." I smile and give her a hand shake. "I'm Emma. Mary Margaret's daughter."

"Hi, I'm David." He says.

"Nice to meet you two. You're Mary Margaret's husband right?" She ask David. She has an accent that I can't figure out what it is.

"Yup." He shakes her hand. "You're going to my sons's nanny right?"

"Yeah. I love taking care of babies so it's not a big deal." The nanny grins. Abigail seems to be around her early 30's. She has long, wavy, brunette hair. She looks quite young to be a nanny to be honest.

"You're going to take care of our baby for the whole day?" David asks.

"No, no. Well, based on Mary Margaret's schedule, I will be coming over at 9am and leaving at 8pm." She says.

"I didn't want her to be too stress taking care of him. Besides, I might be going back to the school to continue my teaching." Mary Margaret says.

"That's great." I smile.

"Yeah. Abigail, I don't wanna make you stay any longer since it's past your working time." Mary Margaret says.

"All right then. I'll see you and this cute little baby tomorrow morning." Sarah says while holding my brother's fingers. She grins at us before taking her belongings.

"Bye." The three of us wave at her.

"Bye." She says as she walks out of the loft.

"Where did you find her? She seems.....great." I say with an amuse face.

"Well, I brought along your brother to Granny's and she just came up to me and introduce herself." She says.

"Ohhh." I nod my head. "So when are you guys going to decide and tell me the name of my baby brother?" I ask. I've been wanting to ask them but I constantly forgot.

"Your father and I have finally decided to name him Leo, short form for Leopold. In the memory of my father." Mary Margaret says with a sad smile. David place his hand on her shoulder and give it a small squeeze.

"The name sounds nice." I smile in glee.

"We are going to announce the name of our baby tomorrow at Granny's. I'll invite some of our close friends." Mary Margaret says.

"And then what? We're going to announce his name while carrying him up like the Lion King?" I joke. David chuckles.

"Something like that. It's a tradition that all royal families do when they are going to announce a child's name." She says.

"Well, okay then. I'm heading up. See you guys tomorrow morning." I say.

"Goodnight, princess." David says and gives me a kiss on my forehead. I love how David treats me like his baby girl eventhough our ages are like few years apart.

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