Chapter 67

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Emma's POV:

All of us had literally forgotten how peaceful Storybrooke can be. With all the problems running around the town, we never really had any rest from it. And now finally Zelena's in an asylum, we could have any type of peace that we want. My parents are going out tonight with Leo, so is Regina and Robin; Gold and Belle are staying in tonight and Henry is going out with his friends.

And as for Killian and I, he is planning a surprise for me. He's not even giving any clues as to what we're going to do. Well, he did tell me to wear something casual. At least that's some clue. He gave me a call not long ago and said he's going to pick me up at 7pm and now it's 4pm. I have three hours to kill before going on our surprise date.

As I was arranging the books on the shelf, my phone rang from my back pocket. It must be Killian. I took it out from my back pocket to answer the call but I was not expecting who the caller was. Neal. I frowned at my ringing phone. I wonder what is this call about.

"Hey, Neal. How are you?" I asked

"Hi, Emma. I'm doing fine. How about you?"

"Good, good. I've been doing great."

"Ohh, it's nice to hear that." The line went silent for a moment and I thought the line has already ended.

"So, um, I just wanna say thank you for what you did yesterday. I was not expecting you to save me." He let out a chuckle.

"You're welcome and why not? You thought I was that heartless to leave you to die?" I questioned in curiosity.

"Well, yeah, considering I left you alone years back." He answered.

"True but I'm not that heartless alright. Even I'm pissed at you, I wouldn't let you die. That'll be a cruel thing to do." I answered honestly. If someone let another person to die because of some hatred they have, that shows how shallow they are as a person.

He laughed. "Oh and before I forget, thank you once again for helping me mend my relationship with my father."

A grin formed on my face as I hear him call him father. "It's no biggie. I'm glad that the two of you had work things out."

"Yeah. I'm glad too. If it weren't for you, I guess I wouldn't know the reason what he did back then."

"Your dad, he had missed you. Your counterpart name has been frequently mentioned for the past years."


"And as for me, thank you for talking me out of bringing Henry to see you." I smiled through the phone. I'm really, really happy that Henry had build a small relationship with his dad.

"Nah, let's stop with the thank yous. I was nervous about meeting Henry for the first time but he made everything so calm. So I guess we had thank each other enough for today." He chuckled at the end. "I should get going. Let's talk some other time."

"Sure." I said before we ended our call. One thing that someone told me few years back that I've forgiven Neal, I would've laughed in their face. But today, I'm happy with myself because I have finally made peace with him.

I get back into arranging the books and cleaning the loft. It's pretty much messy and dirty from not cleaning quite some time.


I checked the clocked on the wall and it indicated that it's already 5:30pm. Time flies oddly fast today. I took a relaxing hot shower that relaxes every muscle that has been strained for god knows how long. Once I'm done, I picked out the outfit that I'm going to where. I spend quite sometime in searching for something casual to wear as I'm really picky about my clothes. I ended up choosing a white sleeveless flowy dress that ended just below my knee and paired it with a nude lace up sandals. I wore a gold necklace that matches with my whole look.

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