Chapter 49

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Emma's POV:

I did not walk back to the station since I have something else to do; arranging a reunion for Neal and Gold. I entered Gold's shop and the door bell rang.  He is cleaning up his shop but Belle is no where in sight.

"Where's Belle?" I ask him.

"She went back to her father's shop because she says I did something wrong." He says.

"And what did you do?" I ask curiously. Belle could usually stand Gold unless it's something really serious.

"Something I'm not even sure." He mumbles. He dismisses me before I could ask anymore question. "What do you want Miss Swan?"

I sigh and shake my head. "I promised your son that I'll arrange a meeting for the both of you." I say.

His eyes light up almost instantly. "D-did he agree to this?"

"Yes. Well, I persuaded him to say yes." I say.

"When is the meeting?" He ask with a small smile.

"It's up to you." I say.

" about tomorrow night in Granny's? " He asks.

"Sure. I'll let him know." I smile slightly. I turn around and when I was about to leave his shop, he stopped me.

"Thank you." He says. I nod my head before leaving. So my mission is complete. Now I can go back to the station and finish my crappy report. Well, that depends if David did finished writing my report.


"You're back. You took longer than I expected though." David chuckles.

"Yeah. I run into Neal and we both talked for a while." I say. David's eyes went wide like it's going to pop any second.

"Since when did you and Neal become mushy together?" He asks, furrowing his brows.

"Well, we talked twice already and we're just friends, David."

"And what did Hook think about this idea? You and Neal becoming friends?" He asks.

"Since when did you care what Hook thinks?" I fired back. I remembered David does not care about what Hook thinks.

"Since you and Neal become friends." He says.

"Well, Hook seemed jealous or hurt by it." I sigh. But I was internally giggling at the fact that Hook is jealous of Neal.

"Ain't the both of you getting serious about your relationship." David smirks.

"As you know, I have not ask Hook what is our relationship status." I say.

"And you should ask him soon." He says, shifting in his seat.

"I had arranged a meeting slash reunion with Neal and his father." I say.

"Neal and Gold?! Woahh!" David gasp.

"So that's the reason why Neal and I talk and had a discussion." I told him. Well, it's partially a lie. I did talk to Neal way before today and on the worst side, he tried to kiss me. If I ever tell David about the 'kissing' part, he'll most likely to punch Neal.

"I see." He nod his head. "So, I have finished writing your report for you."

I exhaled loudly with a grin plastered on my face. "Thank you so much David."

"You're welcome, Emma." He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Is there anything else I need to do?" I ask him.

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