Chapter 10

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Hook's POV:

Once I said goodnight to Swan, I have to summon Zelena so I took out the scroll and called out her name. She appeared in a cloud of green smoke again.

"What is it that you want now? I shouldn't have given you the scroll that you could summon me anytime you want." She rolled her eyes.

"How's that bloody crocodile?" I asked her.

"He's in my own personal cell right now. Rotting. So how's The Savior then." She asked back me.

"She's doing well. All because of you, I have to keep her away from her family." I spat.

"Ah, ah, ah. I'm not the one that forced you to make the deal with me. I just simply suggested it." She said laughing evilly. I shouldn't have bloody agree to that if I know that Swan could get hurt like that. Wait...why do I care if Swan is hurt or not?

"So when the bloody hell could you kill him and get over with it." I asked.

"When the time is right of course. Though I need to collect something from your Savior one day." She said. Then disappeared back into the thin air. If I'd break the deal, I'll face some consequences. Is it really worth it for her? I couldn't stop thinking about her long silky blonde hair, her emerald green eyes and especially her pink lips. When she looked at me, it always send shivers down my spine.

What if Emma would be the one that help me move on from my first love? Would Milah feel upset or happy? For now I just can't stop thinking about Emma. Everything I do or say, a faint image of her will appear in my mind. I just sat on the wooden chair and fallen asleep like that.

Emma's POV:

Today I woke up by a better and happier mood for some unknown reasons. I brushed my teeth and splashed some water to my face to freshen up. I then, went up to see Hook's still sleeping. He looks kinda cute when sleeping though. That I would admit and I'm sure other girls do think the same way as I do. I stared at his chiseled face for a second before walking over to look at the sea. The smell of the water in the sea makes everything in the sea looks more interesting. Sometimes when I'm free, I would watch the sunset by the bay. You can say that I'm kinda adventurous at times.

"Swan? What are you doing here, love?" Hook said when he's awake. He walked over to where I stand.

"Nothing. Just staring at the sea." I said.

"I didn't know that you enjoy looking at the sea, love." He said.

"Yeah, well, a lot of things you don't know about me will soon be revealed." I said, giving him a sly smile.

"You seemed different today. Maybe a little more happier." He said.

"Yeah, I am. Something about today that makes me feel happy about it." I replied. "What do you say we go grabbed breakfast now? I know there's this place that has delicious breakfast not far from here." I suggested. I didn't really ate last night. I just drank shots and that's all.

"Of course, love." He said and guide me out of the ship. We talked about some random things while we're walking to the cafe.

"What's all this?" Hook asked in disbelief.

"Oh! I've forgotten. There's pancakes and burgers here if you want." I told him.

"I think I'll have that thing where you bought for me few days ago." He said, referring to the burger. I nod my head and told the waitress.

"We'll have a chicken burger with fries and waffles with maple syrup and two glasses of mineral water please." I told the waitress our orders. She wrote it in the notepad and head to the kitchen.

"So you kidnapped me but you also let me go out of your ship?" I asked Hook, breaking the silence.

"Well, love, I don't know any sorts of food here except for rum and you're gonna starve to death if I don't give you food." He stated the obvious.

"Right." Just in time, our food came. It smells and looks so appealing to me, maybe because I did not eat at all last night. "What do you think about the food?" I asked Hook as he took a bite of his burger.

"It's actually amazing." He said, taking more bites of the burger. That action made me grin like a mad woman.

"Hook? When can you released me from your hostage. Well, not exactly but still...when?" I asked him. I've been wanting to know the answer for quite sometime now. But I guess spending time with him it wasn't that bad as I thought it was.

"I don't exactly have the right to unless I've been told, love." He replied.

"Sure." I just mumble the last word out.

After we're done, I paid the bill and head out of the cafe. I was actually kinda full right now so I decided to take a stroll with Hook.

"Where are we going?" Hook asked.

"To the park of course." I exclaimed.

"Remember, Swan? No where near Granny's or your home." He reminded me. I gave him a sad look that he said, "let's take a walk around here. I'm sure no one recognizes you." He suggested. I smiled at him and we walked around the corner of the area.

Occasionally, he would take out his flask and offer me which I took from him. We drink, talk and stroll around the area for maybe ten minutes I guess.

"Wow! I didn't know this side of Storybrooke seems to be more interesting." I admitted to him. The houses and shops we're like a vintage kind of look.

"You can't just stick to one place everytime, love. We have to explore, get on an adventure and observe or surrounding areas at times." He said.

"I know that by now. I've always love adventure but never really had a chance to explore." I told him while we're walking back to the Jolly Roger. He looked up at me and stared at me for a second.

"If you would like perhaps we could set sail around the sea." He said, looking at me again.

"You would do that?" I asked, hoping it was true.

"Aye. Let's packed up some food before us leaving. My crew would not be joining us except for my first mate, Mr Smee." He said.

"Sure. I won't mind." I said. Then we went into different shops and I picked out something to eat for dinner when we're in the ship. He bought some bottle of rum before heading back. I went into a boutique, buying myself a new clothes; a purple shirt with some beading on the neckline and a skinny jeans. By the time we're done, our hands are full of carrying groceries.

"Smee!" He called his first mate. In one call, he ran towards us and greeted Hook and I.

"Afternoon, Captain and Ms..." He said, not knowing my name at all.

"Emma. Emma Swan. You could call me Emma if you want." I said.

"Nice to meet you, Emma." He greeted me before Hook speaks up.

"Mr Smee, you're coming with us on board. We're setting sail around the sea for a night." He said.

"Yes, Captain. I'll prepare for the ship." He said and scurried off.

"Well, love, you could prepare yourself with this exciting adventure that you're going to explore." Hook smirked at me. I can't help but grinned widely.


Hey guys! How's this chapter? Is it boring, okay or good? In the next chapter you're gonna see lots of CS moments that might give you the feels. See ya on the next chapter. Bye!

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