Chapter 1

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Emma's POV:

My life isn't that great as people thought it will be since I'm the daughter of Prince Charming and Snow White. In Storybrooke, they are David Nolan and Mary Margaret. I was an orphan for 28 years, I don't have any parents to tell me what's wrong or right so of course I have did somethings that I'm not proud of in the past. I've got involved with the wrong guy and got pregnant at a young age. I gave up my son after his birth and I recently just found out that he is the boy, Henry, that I gave up for adoption; his adoptive mother used to be the evil queen and she's Mary Margarets step-mother. How twisted my life is right. Right now I'm in Granny's Diner with Henry sitting across from me.

"Mom, can I work in Mr Gold's shop? I wanna have my own pocket money and discover what's in his shop." Henry told me.

"Sorry, kid. He's a dangerous man and I don't trust him. I don't want you near any dark magic." I said.

"But mom, I'm not a kid anymore. I know what's right or wrong." He said, trying to persuade me.

"Still no, kid. I hope you understand why I did that." I said.

"Ok. I understand." He sighed. I took a sipped of my hot cocoa with cinnamon while we chat other things other than that.

After that, I brought him to the park. He sat on the swing and swinging so freely while I'm sitting on the bench that is provided. The air in Storybrooke are always fresh. There's rarely any air pollution unless there's a fight or another curse. Other than that, the air is pretty clean. The trees in the park are so green that makes me think clearly about any of my decisions when I needed it. The park has become my favourite spot whenever I need some air.

"Mom. Can I buy some ice cream after this? I'm craving for something sweet and cold for some reasons." He shrugged.

"Sure." I replied. We went to a ice cream vendor that we saw at the side of the park and bought it there. I've got the vanilla flavour ice cream while Henry has the chocolate ice cream in a cone. Though the vanilla ice cream wasn't like the one I bought in one of the shop.


Henry and I went back to our apartment after that. We bought tacos and some fruits for Mary Margaret and David. Fruits examples are like apple, strawberries and grapes. Our favourite way to eat apple is with peanut butter but not Mary Margaret. She hadn't touch an apple since Regina poisoned her.

"Emma!" My mom called me. To be honest, I'm still not used to calling Mary Margaret my mom so most of the times I just called her by her name. I placed the plastic bags on the counter and went over to the sofa.

"Tacos and some fruits here." I told Mary Margaret and David.

"Sweet! Mary Margaret, do you want an apple?" David asked and grabbed an apple.

"David, you know that I have not eaten an apple since Regina poisoned me with that." She pointed it out.

"Sorry. It slipped off my mind." He apologized. I let out a giggle. It's really funny to see your parents argue like that.

"Mom, I'm gonna go visit my mom. See you later." Henry said and grabbed his backpack.

"Okay. Be careful!" I told him. He walked out of the house and I took a magazine that I saw on the counter and read it. I just remember that I have to head back to the sheriff station for some paperwork.

"David, I'm gonna go back to the sheriff station for some paperwork that had to be done. Do you wanna come along?" I asked him.

"Nah, your mom here has a body ache so I have to massage her." He joked.

"Can you blame me? I'm pregnant for two months now and basically I can't eat any chips." She replied, looking over at David.

"Well, I'm excited to meet my baby brother after a few months." I said goodbye to them. I grabbed my red leather jacket and head out of the house.

I get on my yellow Volkswagen and drove to the station. On the way there, I went to Granny's Diner to grab grilled cheese and onion rings. It is my favourite food. I've always crave for this after I've taken a bite of the onion rings. Then I drove to the station. Most of the times I get pretty hungry when I'm working.

When I'm in the sheriff station, I'm working on a paper work about this breaking in case that recently happened. Well, it was Mr Gold's shop that has been broke into. Someone's looking for an object that even Mr Gold himself haven't seen it before but that's what he says. I don't really trust him since he's the Dark One and all.

After the paper work I'm not done yet; I have some files that I have to look through and then some work on the computer. I'm sure today will be an exhausting day but luckily I have my grilled cheese and onion rings with me so I guess that's fine.

After I'm done with my work, which is already 10:00 pm, I grabbed my jacket and whatever I need to take and head back home. I decided to go to the park to relax myself. Once I'm there, I sat on the swing and slightly swinging it. I let the wind blew my long hair. The park is quite and breezy which is how I like the environment. I sat there for a little while and then I head back home. Everyone's asleep since it's already 11:00pm. I slowly went up to my room and made sure there's not any sound. I brushed my teeth before I go to bed. I changed to my pajamas; a heart pattern long sleeved shirt and a pair of comfy shorts. Then I got under the covers and let the darkness take over me.


Hi! This is my first fanfiction about captain swan so I hope this chapter is not boring and I also hope that you enjoyed it. Next chapter you will see Hook in Storybrooke. If there's any grammar/spelling mistake, please let me know. Comment and vote for this chapter. Bye.

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