Chapter 64

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Emma's POV:

I opened up my eyes and the first thing I saw was Killian's half naked body, with sheets draped over his body from his waist down, only his upper body is shown. The sheets are covering my whole body except for my bare shoulders and collar bone. I turned my body to the side and snuggled closer to his warm chest. I lifted up my hand and stroke his cheek, feeling his prickly stubble on the back of my hand. How can someone looks so  handsome even when they're sleeping? His eyes fluttered open and those ocean blue eyes are piercing through me. He cup my cheek with his right palm and starts stroking it with his thumb.

"What?" I ask him with a grin.

"You look beautiful, Swan." He says huskily. I giggle and kiss his lip.

"You know, my parents or Henry might be back or could be back any second." I state the obvious. I don't even know if any of them were back last night and if they were, seeing Killian and I in my bed, naked, I'll die of embarrassment.

"So?" He raises his brow.

I pinch his nose lightly and laugh. "So, the both of us will get a lecture from my parents about having sex and that's embarrassing."

"We can discuss about our sex life with your parents since you walked in on them having sex too." He smirks. I still can't believe he remembered what I told him few months ago but that was hilarious at some point.

"No way in hell, Killian. That is so inappropriate." I say.

"Perhaps." He grins.

"So," he pauses, "how was last night?" He asks while pulling me closer to him. He knows how to make someone feel uncomfortable with the questions huh.

"Well, what do you think about it first?" I smirk.

"Well, all I could say was that you are amazing in bed, Swan." My face heated up bright red. To be honest, he's really amazing in bed too. Wait. Amazing is not the word, because he is incredible.

"Well, you're good in bed too." I grin mischievously. I am only teasing him though.

He acts shocked and feign hurt by putting his hand on his heart. "I'm only good? How could you?" He pouts with those cute puppy dog eyes. I shrug my shoulders in reply but continues grinning. He smirks and suddenly his fingers went to my bare stomach and starts tickling me. I burst out laughing and crying out for him to stop but he didn't.

"P-please s-stop!" I cry through my laughter.

"Nah, unless you admit I was amazing in bed, love." He smirks and continues to tickle me. A part of me doesn't want him to stop tickling me because the feeling I feel right now is euphoric. I shake my head 'no' and let him tickle me for a while longer until I couldn't stand the pain in my stomach anymore.

"O-okay, I-I surrender." I choke out. He finally stops tickling me and nudge his head for me to continue.

"Killian." I say, exhaling through my mouth.

"Go on, Swan."

"You're not good in bed but you're amazing in bed." I grin and kiss him on his cheek.

"That's more like it." He grins and plop back down onto the bed. We stayed in bed for a little while longer, just cuddling, gazing into each other's eyes without talking. It feels good to stay with someone in bed during the next morning after sex. Neal, my past boyfriends and my flings did not stayed in bed with me after the next morning. They just left and pretended that nothing happened. Not so much for Neal but he did leave me.

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