Chapter 58

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Emma's POV:

Last night was exhausting for all of us. We end up watching another two more movies before we decided to call it a night. Basically all of us stayed up till 1:30 a.m. Regina poofed herself and Robin back to her house; leaving her car here. Hook stayed over since it's already late.

"Killian." I say, shaking his shoulder. I know I probably should let him sleep but I can't get out of bed when his arms are wrapping around my waist. He still doesn't get up when I shake him. Heavy sleeper huh. This time, I kiss him on the lips. His eyes flutter open and let out a groan.

"I'm sorry that I have to call you up but your arms are preventing me to get out of bed." I say with a small smile.

"Oh, my apologies, love."

I give him a smile before getting out of bed. I did my usual morning routine before changing into a white lace detailed shirt and brown leather jacket with faded black jeans. Hook borrowed a spare toothbrush and towel before going to the bathroom.

I went into Henry's room and expected him to be still sleeping but he is not in his room. Usually I have to call him up but this time I'm proud he could get up by himself. I went back to my room to take my phone and purse before heading downstairs.

"Good morning, mom." Henry greets with a grin.

"Good morning, Henry." I say. "I'm surprised that you were able to wake up earlier than me." I chuckle.

"What can I say, mom? I promised you that I can and I did." Henry boasts. I shake my head in disbelief.

"Where's Mary Margaret?" I ask David.

"Grocery shopping." He replies.

"Isn't Sarah suppose to be here?" Hook asks once he comes down.

"Well, I asked Mary Margaret to grab a few things in the grocery store so when Sarah is here, we can begin with whatever we're suppose to do with her." David says.

"Will there be a showdown going on?" Henry asks in glee.

"Maybe but you're not going to witness it." I say, ruffling his hair.

"Why not?" He whines.

"You have school and your bus is coming in a few minutes so chop chop." I say. He groans and put away his cereal bowl. He take his backpack before heading out.

"Bye Henry." The three of us say.

"Bye guys." Henry says and closes the door.

"Is Sarah even coming?" Hook asks.

I nod my head. We waited for a few more minutes and there's a knock on the door and I'm sure that's her. David opens up the door revealing Sarah.

"Good morning, David." She grins, entering the loft. Hook and I are standing beside each other with a look plaster on our faces.

"Morning, Emma and Hook." She beams.

"M-Morning, Sarah." I mumble.

"So what do you want to talk to me about and where's Mary Margaret?" She asks, looking around.

"To your second answer, she went grocery shopping." I answers.

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