Chapter 38

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Emma's POV:

I enter the ward alone since only family members are allowed to enter. Hook stay with David in the waiting room. I push the door and to see Mary Margaret lying down on the bed with hospital gown on.

"Hi." I smile.

"Hey, Emma." She smiles. I walk over to her bed and sit on the chair.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Good but tired too." Her face is cover in sweat and she look so worn out. "Did you see your baby brother yet?" She asks.

"No." I chuckle.

"The doctors says that he is in a very healthy condition and they're keeping him in the nursery."

"I'll see him once you're asleep." I take some tissues to wipe the sweat on her forehead. "You look really worn out and you should take a rest." I say. She nods her head.

"I'll come and visit you tomorrow."

"Okay." She says and close her eyes. I stay by her side for a few more minutes before leaving the room, making sure the door doesn't slam. I exit the ward and went back to the waiting room.

"She just fell asleep." I told David and Hook.

"She look so exhausted." David says. I nod my head. "Do you want to see your baby brother?"

"Yup." I say. David and Hook got up from the sofa that they are sitting. Hook walk beside me as we follow David to the nursery. We stop outside of the nursery and we saw most of the babies are sleeping, covered in either blue or pink blankets.

"That baby on the right is your brother." David points at my little brother. His eyes are close and he look so chubby. I smile at the sight of my brother. "Emma, I have to answer this phone call. I'll see you later." David says as he answers the phone, walking away.

"Your brother has your face features." Hook says. I turn to look at him smiling at the sight of my brother.

"Yeah." What Hook says is true. My brother have small mouth, pointed nose and some freckles on his face. Suddenly, I notice myself getting cold probably from the air conditioning that is around the hospital. I could feel goosebumps on my arms and leg. I cross my arms, hopping I'll get warmer.

Hook took off his leather jacket and place it on my shoulders. "Thank you." I say and wear the jacket properly on my body. Hook nod his head as he pulls me closer to him. I rested my head on his shoulder while looking at the babies sleeping soundly.

"I wonder what are my parents going to name him." I say.

"I dunno, love. You should ask them if you want." He says. I nod my head.


David drove Hook and I back to the loft. David wanted to drop Hook at his ship but I quickly say no since it's already quite late and I want to spend some time with him. I thought he'll say no but instead, he just keeps quite; as a sign of saying ok. I guess is that David is good with Hook's presence now. If the few weeks back David hears me saying this to him, he'll quickly disagrees and probably kill Hook.

"Emma, I think I'll go back to the hospital to accompany your mom. I don't feel like leaving her alone there." David says once we arrive at the loft. He parks his truck at the side but we haven't get out of the truck.

"Ok. Sure. In case she needs anything, you could help her." I say.

"Uh, Hook. Could you leave me alone with my daughter for a while?" David asks Hook properly.

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