Chapter 50

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Emma's POV:

Hook and I cuddled for quite some time. I check my phone for the time and it's already 5:15p.m. I have to tell Neal about the arrangement.

"Hook, you wanna follow me to Granny's? I have to tell Neal about his arrangement with Gold." I say.

"Of course I'm coming, love." He says with protectiveness lace in his voice.

"Are you jealous of Neal?" I smirk at him, knowing the answer.

"Yes." He mumbles.

I giggle at his answer. I place my hand on his chest. "You don't have to be jealous, Killian. He's just a friend." I say.

"A friend that tried to kiss you." He states. I just grabbed the collar of his leather jacket again and pulled him into a kiss. I pressed my lips against his before pulling back.

"Are you satisfied with my kiss?" I ask him.

"Aye, love." He grins. The both of us got off the sofa and we left the loft. I drove my bug to Granny's and parked it opposite of Granny's.

Ruby and Granny greeted us when we enter. We smiled back. Hook and I straight away went up to Neal's room. I knock on the door lightly and I could hear footsteps coming from the other side of the door. In seconds, the door is open.

"Hey." I smile at Neal.

"Hey, Emma." He noticed that I have Hook as my company and I could hear a soft sigh escaping from his lips. "Hook."

"Neal." Hook nod his head with a smirk.

"I'm sorry that I did not picked up your call few hours ago." I look at Neal apologetically.

"It's fine." He says.

"You were interrupting us, mate." Hook growls. I sneak my hand around his elbow and give it a pinch. He looks at me with an annoyed look.

"Oh. I didn't mean to-" I quickly cut him off.

"I-it's nothing." I chuckle nervously. I'm sure Hook is still piss about Neal interrupting our make out session. "So...I just wanna say that Gold agrees on the meeting. Tomorrow night. At Granny's." I say.

"Okay. Thank you again for this." Neal smiles.

"You're welcome." I smile back. "I'll see you tomorrow." I say as I know Hook wants me to leave here ASAP. I take a glance at Hook to see him staring at me.

"Alright. Bye, Emma. Hook." He says. Hook gave him a strained smile. He's trying to be polite though. We left his so called 'apartment' and we decided to eat in Granny's since it's dinner time.

I ordered onion rings with grilled cheese and hot chocolate with cinnamon. Hook ordered chicken and cheese burger and iced lemon tea.

"Are you alright, love?" Hook asks me, placing his hand on top of mine.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask curiously.

"Maybe because you have not eaten your food yet." He says.

"I'm not that hungry." I mumbles. For some odd reasons, I can't find myself having the urge to touch those onion rings.

"No, no. Something's not right with you, Swan." Hook says.

I let out a sigh. "David agrees with me that Sarah is Zelena." I say. But that's not all. I still have one more thing that is bugging me.

"Should we take any action on her? I mean she's pretty dangerous to us and right now, she doesn't know that we know she's Zelena so that would make it easier for us to bloody trick her." Hook says.

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