Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: (Vote & Comment) {CHECK OUT THE TRAILER FOR THE STORY TO THE RIGHT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BY @allycat0526)

“What are you doing here?” Jensen asked as he eyed us top to bottom.

“We need to talk about what has to be done to stop the orbit from destroying the Galaxy.” I told him bitterly. “And you will help us whether you say yes or not.”

“And if I say no? The bars here are from steel. You can’t do shit.”

“I will sit and watch.” Lucifer said as he sat down on the couch by the cell. Luke sat next to him and was followed by the other two men. They all left me to do what I had to do.

"Jensen, do not underestimate me." I said in a hiss.

He just smirked at me. Like that I clutched my fingers and the bars melted in front of his eyes. Black and red flames started to appear on my hands as the dark flame appeared in my eyes. I wanted him to suffer. I clutched my fingers harder and he started coughing out blood. I heard faint voices behind me but they made no sense. I had no more connection to the outer world. All I could see was Jensen's blood; all I could hear were his yells.

"Alex, Alex snap out of it!" I heard a thundering voice yell.

It was so distant. I tried to hold on to it but I couldn't. I couldn't tell who it was, I couldn't tell anything anymore. Up until I felt a slap on my face that yanked me meters away.

"Ouch, what was that for Lucifer?" I yelled as I gained control to myself again.

"We were losing you to the darkness again. As much as I love the bitchy Alex, I do not feel like tolerating her bull shit." Lucifer said as he rubbed his hands together. "You sit there and once we need your inner Hulk, you will be asked to help."

"Fine." I said as I placed my hand on my cheek.

It throbbed with pain. I was grateful for Lucifer though, I was in a trance that I had no idea how to face. My powers were growing out of control.

"Your face has officially been redecorated. No more wrinkles." Aniokh winked at me.

"Shut up you poop!" I hissed at him as I stuck my tongue out.

"No, no; I will not tolerate fighting. You two will sit and behave and say nothing or each will have a time out and sit in the corner with the naughty hat. Okay?" Lucifer eyed us both.

We nodded and watched him make his way towards Jensen with Luke. They had chains and tied him down on some flat mattress. Next thing I know, they took off his pants. What were they gonna do? Rape the guy?

That was when I saw it... No, it couldn't be!

"You're gonna wax him!" I said opening my eyes!

"Well, he is hairy; we are willing to wax him up clean so that he'd be mistaken to a hairless cat. Or that rat from Kim Possible." Luke said as he tied Jensen up.

They had officially lost it. I mean that is pure torture for us girls, then how it feels like for him? Well my answer didn't take long to come; I heard his first scream as the two men waxed a part of his leg.

"Oh sweet mother of God, what the hell? I can honestly feel my veins being ripped out!" Jensen roared.

"The pain will stop once you spill what you know." Luke said ever so casually. "I'm willing to wax every body organ of yours."

Well now, nobody wants that! I just hope Jensen spills out the truth before he loses his ability to get kids.

"Never!" Jensen yelled.

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