A Heart and A Kiss

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"April and Kris are getting married!"

Mia's words hit David harder than expected. Making a stinging sensation on her heart. As if a bee has made it's home there.

"I have no idea what he's thinking-" Mia complains trying to let out her frustration while David stares at her. A memory that never ceased to scare her has resurfaced.

~"I had a vision," Mia looks thoughtful, "April and Kris getting married, my visions are never wrong."~

"Did you know I'd go to jail?" David's question and her tone of voice  makes Mia's rants stop as she gives her a confused look. "Did you have a vision about that?"

"David," Mia tries to approach her but she steps away.

"DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT?" David shouts her voice filled with anger, with desperation, with pain.

"Yes," Mia rapidly answers looking at the floor and David just nods her head.

"What about Rachel? Did you see her death?" David's voice mocks as Mia stays silent, but the silence is enough confirmation for her. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Mia looks at her filled with regret, "What would you have done? No one can escape death."

"I would spend time with her," David looks like she's about to break down.

"You'd be jai-"

"I WOULD'VE MADE TIME!" She squeezes her knuckles so hard, continuous cracking sounds are heard and Mia tries to comfort her but gets pushed back in return, "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Her eyes frantically switch between each person in that room and she shakes her head regretfully, "You're just like him. You're just like that asshole!"

And with that, David pushes past Ted and runs out of that residence. Runs as fast as her legs would go. As far as her legs would go.

'Maybe if I run fast enough, I'd disappear' was a thought that constantly crossed her mind. She wanted to just live a normal life. Without constant dangers and pain. But maybe pain itself is the bigger part of life? After all, we are born through it, through it we die, and maybe through pain we must live.

As David continues to run, her feet stumble and the cold concrete scrapes her bare knees. She rapidly stands up and tries to run again but her legs fail. They're too tired.

However, her legs are the only things that are tired, her will, her soul, won't ever fail. Determined to get far away from everything, from everyone, she forces herself up. Dragging her bleeding feet across the cold pavement she stops to look at a car that slowed and rolled down it's window.

"Are you David Cole?" The man in the car asks and she nods. He then splashes a half finished cold coffee on her and throws the plastic cup after it as well, "YOU SUCK!" Tossing a crumpled up dirty tissue at her, as if saying 'clean yourself' he drives off.

Leaving David distressed and confused. She looks at the car until she can no longer see it and notices that all the passerby's are staring, like she's some sort of filth. The brown coffee stain on the front of her dress, the torn and tattered parts from the fall, the blood on her legs, the dirt on her face, result in bitter remarks and insults.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now