My Sassy Boss

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"Kris! Kris!" I keep shouting his name but he doesn't reply. I run out of my apartment and onto the street. I see Ted right there, but I don't actually see him. My eyes do, not my mind. My mind is focused on Kris. I jump on my bike and start pedaling. I also get out my phone and call his mother, Jae.

J: Oh hi David wha-
D: Something happened to Kris. I don't know what, but you have to find him! Call the police track his phone. I'm going to check at the company. Hurry!

I hang up and pedal even faster. Kris you jerk. You better be alive. Don't you dare die. I won't forgive myself if you do. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have gone on this date. I should have stayed with you. I should have stayed with you! There's traffic all around, yet somehow I manage to pass through thanks to my parkour skills. Please stay green! Please stay green. I pray to the traffic light. But shit! It turns red! I don't care. I drive-on. Even though it's dangerous, I can't think of my safety now. Kris, Kris is all that matters.
As I reach the company, I throw my bike and run in.  "Where's Kris?" I ask the security.
"He went to the basement parking a while ago."
I run to the lift but it's not coming, so I take the stairs. I grab onto the railings and jump from one floor to the other. Woah! Where did I learn this? Maybe I'm just naturally good. I make it down faster than an elevator and push open the parking doors.
"Kris!" I call him. "KRIS!!!"
He doesn't answer. Kris please. Please be here. I start running in the parking ground looking for him and I spot his car.
"Kris!" I run to it. "Kris!" But he isn't there.
"Kris!" I scream, then I hear a faint sound. I walk to the other side of the car and there I see him bending at the drivers door.
"Kris," I run to him "are you okay?" I touch his shoulders and then see his tie stuck in the window.
"*choke*" he starts panicking.
I immediately grab his tie and loosen it, then untie it and take it off.
"Aaaaah!" He takes a deep breath and man does he look out of shape.
"Kris, breathe. Relax." I try to touch him but he backs away.
"I'm fine." He says with sweat dripping from his forehead.
"What happened?" I ask him.
"I was getting something from the car but somehow my tie got stuck in the window sill. So I couldn't breathe."
".....You called me just because your tie got stuck? You could've opened the window." I'm starting to get pissed.
"The car was already locked."
"It fell when I tried to loosen my tie. And when I tried to bend and pick it up, the tie got tighter and I couldn't breathe."
"You could've loosened it like I JUST DID!" I shout.
"I was panicking I couldn't think straight." He replies sharply. Oh right he used to have a panic disorder.
"Still why call me? And you said something about police."
"Because you're number one on my speed dial. And I was saying not to call the police. If they came it would be all over the news the next day and then the stock holders would pull out."
"....I'm number one on your speed dial?" I ask.
"Yes. Because if I need anything I can just call you. Anyway did you finish with your date."
"I didn't even go because of you!" I shout.
"Me? Don't try to blame you chickening out on me."
"I didn't chicken out! I was ready to go when you called me. And so I came running here like an idiot!" 
"I never told you to skip your date. I just needed  help. You could've called anyone and told them!"
"How could I? I thought something serious happened to you. I thought you were hurt or worse. I was so worried and you tell me this! You know what. I'm glad you're okay Kris. But don't call me again for something so stupid." I tell him and walk backwards for a bit.
"DAVID!" He shouts running to me. I don't know what happened but I felt a forceful push and strong arms. I open my eyes and see a car driving past us. I must've walked out on the road without noticing, and was almost hit by a car. But he saved me. He ran to me and pushed me out the way. I look up at him and he holds me tight. "David, are you stupid to walk out on the road like this? Don't you have eyes?" Although he's shouting, he doesn't let me go. And I don't mind. I....I..don't want him to let me go. This feeling is so different. It doesn't make me happy.....nor warm...but it's something different. Something else.
"I'm sorry." I tell him.
"You should be!" He looks at me sternly and let's me go.
I'm still shocked though. Not because I was about to die, but because of Kris. I look at the ground trying to understand what just happened when he grabs me by the shoulders and looks into my face. "Hey! Hey, it's okay. Come on don't look this way. It isn't like you."
"Thank you." I look at him.
".....Ummm...oh...okay....Anyways I had to save you. You think I'd let u get off from work so easily? Huh is this the first day you know me?" He puffs out his chest and I smile. He's annoying as ever.
"Oh right! I need to call your mom."
"Why?" He asks.
I don't answer him but just dial the number.
"Yes hello. This is David. Everything's fine. He's alright." I tell her.
"Oh thank God! Mr. Lein you can call off the SWAT team. Thank you David."
"It was nothing." We say our goodbyes and I hang up.
"Did you tell my mother everything?" He asks.
"I told her you were in trouble, and to find you."
"Are you out of your mind? Knowing my mother, she'd probably call the entire SWAT team." He complains.
"Yeah she did. How did you know?"
He face palms himself and then glares at me, "Anyway, shouldn't you get back to your date?"
"There's no point now. I missed it."
"Yeah you did! But since you aren't going there now come with me." He grabs my arm.
"Since you came here to help me I will take you out somewhere. Anywhere you wanna go, tell me."
"Really?...okay let me see... I wanna go to Starbucks."
He stares at me for a while before speaking, "You know what? I saved your life just now so we're even. I don't need to take you anywhere." He let's go of my arm and starts walking off.
"Wait! Didn't you just say you'd take me out?"
"I changed my mind." He continues walking,"I will take you somewhere I wanna go."
I smile and run to catch up with him.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now