Maybe You're Wrong

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Oh God please! Please, help us work things out. Please! Kris is talking to April right now and I'm waiting outside. I really like April and I wouldn't wanna see her hurt.......but I want Kris,  and I don't wanna be hurt either.

Maybe all this is wrong. What if Kris doesn't love me but kissed me because he just felt like it? ------No, after what he told me last night how could I doubt him.

I look into his deep black eyes, and he's staring into mine. The kiss which seemed to last forever ended seconds ago and he's touching my neck. I don't know what to say, for the first time in my life I'm left speechless in front of Kris, all I do is stare at him, getting closer to me. He kisses my nose and moves to the side, placing his face against mine, he whispers in my ear "I allow you to date me."

I'm brought back from my memories by the sound of the front door being open and April walking out. She looks angry. I reach my arm to touch her but she turns to me with a smile. "I wish you all the best." She says pulling me into a hug, "If that jerk ever upsets you," she points at Kris, "Call me. I'll bring my whole squad." She then takes her bag and sits inside a car, that drives off as soon as she does.

"What just happened?" I look confused.
"I told you, April's cool. She understood everything." He says putting an arm around me, "Let's go in already." And dragging me into his house. His house....which I thought I'd never see again.

"Ooh coffee!" I exclaim grabbing a mug, which he snatches from me, "It's not for you." He says looking offended, "Did you forget that this is the Ugandan coffee?"
"I know, straight from Mahwili. Make me another cup then." If he doesn't want to give me this cup, I'll just take another one.
"No?" I ask astonished, "Fine I'll make it myself." I take a clean mug from the drawer.
"No, I won't give you my coffee." He holds the bag up high.
"...........Kris, I'm your girlfriend now." Is he joking?
"So?" He asks shaking his head, "This is my coffee, you don't touch it."
".....FINE!" I say opening the fridge.
"What are you doing now?" He asks as I sit back at the table.
"Water," I reply, "I'll only drink water in your house!" I gulp down the entire bottle.
"YAH!" He comes to me with a towel and throws it in my face, "Wipe your face. You're dripping water everywhere. And drink from a glass next time. Have some manners."
"I can't believe this." I exclaim in shock, "Now that we're dating, you're more annoying than ever."
"I'm just teaching you basic etiquette." He says handing me a glass of milk, "Drink this, it's good for you. And don't drip a single drop!"
"And what if I do?" I ask making a face and beginning to drink. I can feel the milk dripping down my chin, I'm not doing this on purpose I swear, it just comes naturally. I set the glass down and take the towel to wipe myself, but Kris stops my hand.
"Then I'll have to do this." He says and licks my chin bottom up, reaching to my lips and giving me a kiss.

I don't know what to do! I don't know what to say! David act natural, and don't blush. Be cool. As he looks at me with a satisfied smile, I place my right elbow onto the table holding my face. I look at him snobbishly and roll my eyes, but my elbow slips and I hit the table.

I can hear him laughing uncontrollably. Well done David! You decided to break the record of ending relationships in less than one day?

"Hurry up and eat." He sets a plate of some sort of salad in front of me, "There's a meeting with the owner of R&C in an hour. We have to be ready."
"Wait! Does that mean I'm rehired?" I ask with hopeful eyes.
He looks at me poker faced...."YES David!'re REHIRED!"
"Woo!" I squeal happily.
"David please," he tells me holding his head like he has a headache, "Don't ever do this. You're not pretty. You sound like a horse giving birth."
I put my head down and eat silently while he reads the newspaper.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now