Makes No Sense

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I am running God knows where. A flock of reporters chase me and I need a bathroom. It's only 9 in the morning and I've already ran for two blocks. How did that happen?


"Will you get off me!" Kris shoves my body off of his. It's not like I was literally 'on' him, I was just clinging-super-tightly to his shoulder.


Because I am sooo happy!!!!!!


1- He made our relationship public.
2- Now no girls will (hopefully) chase after him.
3- He said I'm beautiful.
4- Steven, the old man chauffeur whom I haven't seen for so long because he was on vacation, is back. Meaning he is driving us now, meaning Kris and I can sit together!!!!!!

"I was just...." I mumble to myself, adjusting in the seat. Stupid Kris, so I'm not allowed to touch you huh? Only when you want! Should I book an appointment?

"Have you seen this?" He's holding today's issue of 'Celebrity First' magazine. "Yeah." I reply fixing my hair, "Guess you're not the only one who realized my beauty." I joke around. There's an article about us titled 'Beauty and the Beast.'

"Have you actually seen it?" He swallows a laugh and I suspiciously stare. This is bad, I know that expression. It only occurs when he's too conceited.

I grab the magazine from him and look at the cover page.


Seriously? Why?

There's a photo of Kris looking handsome as always, and then there's me. With my bushy hair and a face that resembles someone who just stepped on a mine.

But I mean I'm not that bad, as to be called a beast. I suddenly feel down. I know it's stupid to get sad over such trivial things, but I don't know, it just felt nice to be called beautiful.

"Uh.." I look at Kris and he rolls his eyes. "If you sulk again, I will break up with you." He threatens,  harshly gazing into my soul as if wanting to rip it out, "Remember what I said?"

I droop my head in regret. Pushing those words in my head, as not to forget. I must not sulk, I can't have him leave me. I keep repeating to myself until it finally makes sense.

Remember what I said?

'No matter what anyone says or thinks, you only need to listen to me. And I'm telling you you're beautiful.'

Steven suddenly makes a sharp turn, as if on purpose, which resulted in me leaning against Kris. I immediately look into the rear view window and see the old man giving me a wink.

I then feel an arm around me and looking up, I see Kris turning his face away. Staring out the window.

Hmm.... I feel a smile form on my face as I cuddle into his chest. That's right, as long as I got you, I don't need anything else.

The car pulls up at the company, which is by the way swarming with more reporters than ever, and before opening the door Kris hands me a pair of sport shoes.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now