The Sheep Phone

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~A female stands facing the wall. Water is dripping down her bare back. Every drop that hits her wounds only adds to their pain. Her breath is heavy and her heartbeat's fast --- TIME'S UP!~

My eyelids slowly lift and the first thing I see is some sort of medical machine. Great! I'm in a hospital......again....WHY????? Aaahh this is annoying. I try to lift my hands and rub my eyes but I can't.


I internally scream from shock. WHY AM I FULL OF CASTS????? Did I get into another fight? Or maybe it were those darn alley cats, avenging their brother whom I mistakingly threw out the window? His fault for snooping around my house early morning! As those thoughts are going through my head, like a flood everything returns to me.

The act, the presents....the bus.... Hmmm... I tilt my head back down into the pillow and immediately lift it up. I stare weirdly, blinking for some time and then my expression turns all lovey-dovey...'re here! With me! Aaaawwww even holding my hand. I'd like to touch him too and wake him up but, due to all the FREAKING HEAVY CASTS ON ALL MY ARMS AND LEGS the only thing I can move right now is my head.


Kris's (POV)




Hmm! I jump up at the sound of my name being called and see David, kindly smiling with her beautiful eyes.

"Haaaah...." I exhale and brush my hand through her hair, "how I wish to see that smile again." Her eyebrows furrow and she awkwardly laughs...."Aha...ha...ummm.." And then she smiles again.

"I mean in real life," I sit back down on my chair, "not in dreams." She then eyes me up and down and bites her lip several times, "Kris....this is real life. You're not dreaming."

                            David's (POV)

He suddenly bursts into a really loud sarcastic laughter and exits the room.

....Only to come back 3 seconds later with a nurse pointing, "Do you see this?" The nurse looks at me and I say "Hi." and she faints.

He then looks at her, then looks at me, then looks at her, then looks at me, and then takes out his phone leaving the room once again.

What. Is. Happening?

About ten minutes later, I hear many loud footsteps and with a BANG, the door flings open. Like a loud hurricane, I'm pretty sure you already know the loud feisty people I'm talking about, piled in.

Upon the sight of me, just like that nurse, Alex faints. Mia charges towards me but trips on his fallen body and falls too. Jae and April are already positioned on each side of the bed and Ted, I can see him trying to lift Alex. After a couple of tries he gives up though, and just drags him away from the door.

"Are you okay?" , "How did you?" , "How many fingers am I holding?", "What's my name?", "Do you remember everything?", "Are you hurt?", "Do you feel dizzy?", "How old am I?", "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

Believe it or not, but Mia did not stop asking question after question until Kris came in with a doctor and more nurses. Some of them went to check on the two people lying on the floor, the others asked Jae and the rest to move aside.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon