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What should I do now? The meeting's over, Michael left with his wife to carry on with their honeymoon, and my flight back to U.S is tomorrow morning. What do I do now? Think David think. What should I do???? I should have fun!! I'm in Italy now, Wow, like when is this ever going to happen in my life again? I should enjoy this. But how? I don't have much money. Ughhhh idiotic Kris, pays for my flight and hotel but can't give me any spending money. don't need money to have fun right?

"Yahooooo!" I scream, this is the best. A couple of kids gave me their skateboard to try it out. It's amazing! I didn't even know I could do all these tricks. I'm at a skate park right now and man this is epic. There are so many obstacles, it's dangerous....but thats the thrill.

"That was awesome!"
"Oh you speak English." I address the kid that gave me his skateboard.
"Where did you learn this?" He and his friends ask enthusiastically.
"I don't know. In my hometown I guess."
"Are you going now?"
"Yeah." I tell them, "and thank you."
"No wait, stay for the basketball match."
"There's going to be a basketball match? Where?" I ask the kids.
"Right here! In this park. Come with me, I'll show you." And so I got dragged along by preteens to a basketball game. It was so intense but so much fun. I felt like I was at a live game. After the match was over, I even got to play a little. The winning team gave me their ball and showed me how to do a few tricks. We had one small match, which I obviously lost, and then I left.

I walked on the famous Italian streets, and on the bridge above the river. I took lots of pictures, and even got a boat ride. It was already getting late so I decided to go back to my hotel.

But I couldn't find it.

Where is it? Where am I? Ughhh I should get a taxi. But if I do now, then I won't have money for tomorrow's taxi, the airport one. Uhhhh! I should ask for directions. I stop a cab and ask him

          T=cab driver.         D=David. 

D: Yes hello. I'm trying to get to Prague Monte Hotel, do you know where it is?
T: $&&&&@$&&&!$$@&&$
D: (shit! He doesn't speak English.) Prague Monte Hotel...Where?
T: &$&&$&'$&&@&$$@ *translation below*
      (Ahhh Prague Monte Hotel! Ok first keep going straight, then on the traffic light go right, go straight you will pass a Lion statue, after the statue go left and then keep going straight until you see Bear&Barn coffee shop, then go left and just walk straight you will see the hotel)
D: Thank you thank you! Good thing I understand some Italian.
               *what she understood*
(Go straight, turn right when the traffic light is green. You will see a lion on the road, turn left when you do and then turn left again. There will be a shop selling bears, don't buy from there, the toys aren't good. Then go right and left and straight till you see the hotel)

After following the instructions precisely and having to improvise a bit, I didn't find the lion nor the bear shop, I am completely lost. Should I go right now? Do I keep going forward? Where do I go? Let's just go wherever I feel like.

After many turns and lots of running, I am still lost. Let's try again.

After much more walking, I don't know how, but I found my hotel. At the entrance I see an old lady talking to the concierge, they're talking in English, well more like arguing.

"How many times, I have to tell you!" The concierge shouts, "old hags are not allowed! You'll scare away all the customers. Go while I'm being nice!"
The old lady doesn't say anything but refuses to leave. This is no way to speak to an elder. I rush to them and as I do, he pushes her and the poor old lady falls, but I catch her.
"What do you think you're doing?" I question the concierge while helping the lady up.
"Nothing of your concern Miss." He replies cooly.
"Not my concern? I think that violence is everyone's concern!" I tell him angrily.
"Just go about your business!" He orders me.
"Why don't I take my business inside. Since I was about to go in anyway."
"Are you......staying at our hotel?" He stammers, and when I don't reply, his face immediately changes and he bows down apologetically, "Please, accept my deepest apologies. I...I just didn't know who you were."
"Is that how you treat every stranger?" I ask and he looks up at me. "Is that why you treated this woman that way? Because you don't know her?"
"No no, absolutely not Ma'am. Just that...this woman always gathers here. She doesn't check-in nor does she buy something. She just comes here."
"So is it wrong of her to come here? Is there a law that states only customers can go in?"
"No Ma'am but-"
"Is it because she's poor? Have you ever thought that maybe this woman passes by here for a reason and comes to sit because she's too tired to go on? You don't offer a glass of water nor a chair, but you push her!" I'm overcome with emotions.
"This isn't a charity place Ma'am."
"But this isn't a fight arena as well. Besides, the hotel won't crumble down because of a glass of water. Now apologize to this lady and let us through." I hold the old woman's hand tighter.
"...." He stays silent.
"You called her an old hag, and pushed her! How would you like if someone did this to your grandmother?" I ask him and he bursts into tears.
"I'm sorry...please...please don't tell on me to the manager. I barely got this job." He sobs, well it's only natural for a kid his age to cry. He seems like a 10 grader. "It's okay." I tell him and pat his back, "I won't tell, but you should apologize to this woman."
"Please forgive me." He bows deeply and the old woman touches his hand while nodding.
We go in, and I take her to my room.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now