Let's Date

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"You actually shouted at him? Wow! His expression must've been priceless. Why didn't you take a video or a picture at least?" Diane asks enthusiastically. I left the hospital a couple hours ago, and now we're having dinner at a not so fancy restaurant, I'm having money issues.
"Yeah you know during a major argument with my boss the first thing I'd think of would be to take a picture." I tell her sarcastically.
"Hahaha you're so funny!" She replies with the same sarcasm.
"I still can't believe that jerk didn't pay for me. I mean usually in movies after the lead man rushes with a girl to a hospital, he takes care of everything and then romance sparks between them. You know what I had to do to leave that hospital? I had to swear that I'm not a bum and my wallet was home to half the hospital staff. Then they sent someone with me to make sure I don't run away. He came home with me. You know how embarrassed I was? My panties and bras were lying around everywhere and he probably saw everything. My innocence is ruined because of that ....that...idiot."
"Never mind him, I'm more interested in that hunk whose jacket you still haven't taken off. So when is your first date?"
"What first date? I don't even know if I will ever meet him again. I'd be lucky if I just see him in a crowd or something." I say touching the jacket.
"Woah David! Are you seriously in love with him?"
"No it's not that. Besides I don't believe in love at first sight. It's that he's the only person who's been nice to me since kindergarten except you. But I'd be lying if I say I'm not attracted."

The next day I double check my makeup and hair. I even wore my best outfit (office looking outfit), so that idiot-who-doesn't-pay-for-his-injured-employee won't complain. Oh! It's 7! I open the doors and enter his grand office.
"You're late."
"The time is still 7:00 so..."
"You're 37 seconds late."
"I won't accept this behavior anymore. When I say 7:00 it means 7:00, and not a second later . Understand?"
"How is your arm?"
"Huh? Oh! Yeah! It's fine."
"Do you have any medication? For your arm I mean."
"Yeah I do. It's at home." Why is he asking all this? Does he feel guilty for leaving me like that yesterday? So now he's concerned. He's actually a nice person huh?
"Can you move it as usual?"
"Yeah." He is nice. I'm sure.
"Can you lift things with it?"
"Yeah." He is the nicest. Oh God please grant him h-
"Good. There's a package waiting for me downstairs. I said I would personally go and get it but since I didn't have breakfast yet, I'm not fully energized to carry it here. Since you're fine you can go and get it. Don't worry it doesn't weigh more than 25 kg."
Hell. Send him to hell. He is the worst. 'Look at me I didn't have breakfast so I'm not fully energized'. Are you a kid or something? What makes you think I had breakfast? I'm not gonna carry it all the way here, there is security and other people. I'm pretty sure they will help. I mentally punch him on the face. But in reality I smile and say.
"Right away Sir."
"Oh and I mean it, carry it yourself here. No one else can touch it. There are cameras everywhere so I can see you. Don't try to fool me. If anyone else touches it, you're fired. Understand?"
Can he read minds? How does he know what I planned? Is it even possible for people to read minds? Is he a wizard? Or a shaman? "Understood."
I leave to get that package. What is so important in it?

Kris's POV
As soon as she leaves I start planning my next attack on her. I wanna make her hate this job, if she still doesn't.  I'm going to make her exhausted so, that by the end of each day she won't have it in her to even lift her legs. Why? Because I HATE HER! It wasn't my intention to, really. I tried to be polite, tried to take things easy on her because she's a woman, and what does she do? She walks around as she likes and acts like she's my boss. Never recognizes my voice when I call her. Always arguing with me. Always late with her paperwork. The winter files I requested since she got here are still missing. I would've fired her long ago, if it wasn't for her strong will. How long is her will going to last? I don't really care. I just want to break it. I just want to break her.
I sit at my desk and look at the monitor. She is running around with that huge box in her hands, avoiding the hands of all those who offer help.Wait what!? Did I just laugh? I look at the monitor again and smile. I would've fired her long ago, if it wasn't for that strong will, and if it wasn't fun for me.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now