Got You

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Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. The day for lovers to put aside their arguments and pride and just show each other affection. I've always dreamed off spending that occasion with the one I love....

......except the one I love has absolutely no plans.

"Tomorrow is Valentine's." I beam jumping onto the bed and placing my face on his chest.
"So?" He nonchalantly asks still focused on his phone.

"Let's do something? Go somewhere." I quickly brainstorm, "Let's go ice skating, and to an amusement park and then we can watch the fireworks and-"

"And amusement parks are closed during winter, and you don't know how to ice skate, and what is so important about Valentine's anyway?" He shuts his book looking annoyed in my face.

"It's a day couples should spend together, filled with love and-"
"Then how about we love each other just on that day?"

"No you...don't....fine, let's just sleep. Goodnight." I roll to my side of the bed and curl myself up in the blanket. I don't want to argue with you today Kris.... I just wanted to get my mind off what happened.


I want to get rid of this shitty feeling.

                            Rachel's (POV)

I'm sure it's her. I'm sure. I think to myself while going through my jewelry box looking for the photograph.

They didn't let me in to see Heather, no matter what I did, they didn't. I'll visit my daughter tomorrow though, Clive will find a way.

I look at the photo in my hand. I'll show this to David. Once she sees it, she will believe me. My Anne.... I squeeze the picture against my chest, trying to let my heart ease.

It's been hurting for so long, and now I feel like it's going to burst. I'm overjoyed, but yet demented with confusion.

Anne died 15 years ago, Heather died last year. I buried both of how....

"You've asked to see me?" Clive interrupts my hurricane of thoughts, bowing deeply, "I've made arrangements. You will be able to have a visit tomorrow. But I beg of you not to speak to anyone about this."

"Why do you say that?" I feel my heartbeat increase, anger overcoming me. I've just found my family and now I'm not allowed to speak about them?

"It's to protect them," He makes eye contact with me before clearing his throat, "I've been watching her for a while, David I mean Anne, placed Heather in RVA on a condition: that no visits, nor words about her mother staying there will be uttered. She isolated her completely from the world beyond room 404."

"Tell me all you know." I harshly tell him and he bows once again in return. Making his eyes wander around the room before landing on mine, "I don't know much, but I do know that people don't just die and come back. There must be a reason for everything."

David's (POV)


That name, why does it keep ringing in my ears. Just forget about it, forget it David, you have something more important to worry about now.

Buying that jerk a present.

I don't care if he doesn't want to celebrate Valentine's Day, I will still get him something. But what?

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now