Bad Luck

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'The scene is a picture of grief,
A family stands dressed in black
Their tears mixing with the heartless rain
Their faces have no hope nor color,except grey
The grey trees,
Grey clouds,
Grey grass and
The grey tombstone' -----------

"Taxi!" I scream. 'I cannot be late. I cannot be late. I cannot be late. Today is the first day. I have to be there before 10. I cannot be late.' I must have repeated those words 200 times before I actually got into a taxi.
"Where to?"
"Eastlane Street please."
We reached there surprisingly fast I pay the fee and quickly get out of the car. Standing in front of me is a fully see through glass building that seems to shine like a star in pure daylight. I heave a sigh, it's 9:40, and look up reading the words of this star
" Starbucks! I made it"
Today is the first day that a branch is opened up on Eastlane Street and to celebrate the opening they give free muffins with every drink only until 10 am. I wouldn't miss that for the world and also I have an interview nearby in about an hour so this is just perfect.
'I can just relax, have a Caramel Macchiato, eat a blueberry muffin, and then go 110% ready for the interview' while thinking this I bump into someone on the way in and
"Ughh..." It's a guy. A very good looking guy, on whom I just spilled his own coffee shit! "'s hot....."
"I am so sorry Mister are you okay? Here let me clean it up for you." I say grabbing the nearby tissue box.
"It's alright.." He says looking into my face with his black eyes.
wow he's not only handsome but he's also nice, I thought men like this exist only in movies.
"It's alright... I wasn't expecting refinement from a place like this and from those who visit it anyway."
I thought right, they do exist in only movies.
"Especially not from someone that can look as such ( he said that while eyeing me), it' was my fault for interacting here. Excuse me." He said and left.
By the time I realized that he just insulted me..... Well a long time has passed and I already ate my muffin so there was nothing I could have done. So instead I memorized his face so that next time I see him I would let him have it at full rage....well maybe medium rage since my shirt didn't get any coffee on it.

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