I'm Broke

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It's locked!
I can't believe it. Is that all? What about my mom? What am I going to do? No it can't be it. There has to be another way. I run to the shop right next to me.
"Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry,but the company right here closed about ten minutes ago. Did you see anyone coming out and did you see which way they went?" I kept asking everyone I met, even the strangers just passing by, until finally someone told me. "There is a security guard. His room is in the back of the building you should be able to find him there."
"Oh! Thank you! Thank you so much! You have no idea how much you've helped me!" I say and run. This person deserves to go to Heaven. God please bless his life and grant him Heaven.

I open the door to the security and say. "I'm sorry for intruding on you like this, but I really need your help. It's something important. Did everyone from the company already leave?"
"Yeah. The boss locked up and left 10 minutes ago. He is always the last one."
"Which way did he go?"
"Why are you asking?"
"I told you it's something important."
"I don't give out any information regarding the private lives of employees."
"Sorry. No can do."
I didn't want to do this. I grab him by the collar of his shirt, push him to ward of his balance, grab his arm, pull it to his back and push him against the wall.
"Aaaah ahhh!"
"Please. Tell me which way did he go?"
"Aaaaah why?"
"I'm sorry." I pull his arm higher.
"Okay okay! He got into his car and drove that way!" He pointed me to the direction.
"What kind of car is it?"
"I can't--Aaaaah aaaaahhh!" I pull his arm even higher. "A black Mustang GT!"
"Number plate!?"
"Thank you! You just helped me keep my job!" I leave his arm and run. Once again I hop onto my bike and pedal.

Security Guard's POV
What is her job?

I must find that car! I know that it'll be a miracle if I do. Damn it I should have asked him for the address. The roads don't go one way..aaaaaaaaa! Just as I am driving straight, I looked to the left and there's a black Mustang. What's the number? 268K! It's the car! I make a sharp left turn and pedal like there is no tomorrow. Ughh I can't get close. Too many cars. There is only one thing to do. I pedal onto the sidewalk and just as the light turns green, I stop in front of the car, blocking his way. But the car doesn't stop. Please please please stop! I close my eyes and I hear a screeching sound. I feel a push and I hit the ground.

"Are you okay?" Someone rushes to me and helps me up.
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Are you stupid? What THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? IF I HADN'T STOPPED AT THE RIGHT TIME, YOU WOULD HAVE DIED!" He kept on shouting. Ughhhh! I look at my elbow and it's bleeding. He seemed to have noticed it too. "STAY OVER THERE!" He pointed to the sidewalk. I did as he said and then he got into his car, drove a bit further and parked it on the side.
"My name is David Cole. I'm an assistant to Kris Jones of TBS, you know him right?"
"Who doesn't. But what does this-"
"We signed a contract with Trust, your insurance company and we need to have it today. I know you're already closed but I must have it....today."
"Insurance company? What makes you think I work there? Have we met before?"
"No. But I somehow got the information that the person who runs the company drives a black Mustang GT with the number 268K."
"So you were just cycling looking for a car like that?"
I nod
"Still it's just a contract! Why risk your life for that?"
"Because my job is my food and water. It's my source of life."
He looks at me with a surprised yet worried expression.
"So can I please have the contract? Please."
"Hold on a second." He tells me, dials someone's number and walks to his car.
"Yeah it's me, can you find someone for me.....okay great see you there. Thanks!"
He gets in the car and drives backwards stopping beside me. He gets out and comes to the passenger door. Opening it he looks at me and smiles "Aren't you going in?"
Seeing me hesitate, he says "I don't have the contract with me right now. So we're going to meet up with the one who does."
Hearing that I practically run into the car.
"So your name is David, it's .......well it's"
"It's a long story."
"Well maybe you can tell me next time."
"And you are...?"
"Ted. Friends call me Teddy. We're here."
We talk some more while waiting for the contract to arrive. Well more likely argued while waiting. He kept wanting to take me to the hospital and I kept resisting until there was a knock on the window. It rolled down and there was the contract. The person holding it looked so frightened. His hands were even shaking. "I am very sorry Sir."
"It's fine, but apologize to this miss first.
"I am very sorry." The man said and ran away.
"He must be in a real hurry,huh?" I say looking at Ted. Looking back at me he smiled, and THUMP. What was that? Why did my heart just beat faster?
"So...David are you going to TBS now?" His voice brings me back to reality.
"Oh! Yeah. You don't have to drive me, I can go myself just stop the car over here."
"How are you gonna get there yourself? It's pretty far to walk. And your bike didn't look like it would work anymore."
"That's right. The bike." I sigh "how could I just leave it there? It wasn't even mine?"
"WHAT?" He says surprised, "It wasn't yours?"
"It's okay, it was an emergency. Besides you got the contract right?"
".. Yeah!" I smile. I did get the contract. I did.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now