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Ughh....my arms! Why do they hurt so much? My legs feel numb too, and why's the bed so cold? I open my eyelids and look around. It's so dark. I can't see anything. Wait! Where's my blanket?

As my eyes get used to the darkness, I notice that my body is bare. It can't be! I look again and see some sort of lingerie on me. Thank God!

My hands try to find anything that I can use to cover up, but all I feel is damp concrete. Am I......on the floor? I immediately try to sit up, but my hands are suddenly pulled back. What is this? No matter how hard I pull, they don't move.

I tilt my head back only to find both my arms, handcuffed to the wall. Ugh! As I struggle to break free, a door that I did not notice was there, swings open revealing a tall figure.
I can't see who it is because of all the light coming out of it.

As I squint my eyes, that person in leather pants and what looks like a police hat, throws a black leash with bolts at me.
"You've been naughty, David!" Kris's voice rings through my ears, and I rapidly get up.

Haah! Haah! Haah! I pant. It was a dream! It was all....a dream. I breathe out in relief squeezing the blanket tight.

Wait a second-

This is not my blanket. It's too soft and the color is different. As I look about, I also notice that this isn't the living room. Why am I not in the living room? And why are my clothes all over the floor? Oh, I relax, Kris's clothes are all over the floor too.

I slowly turn my head to my left side, and find a shirtless Kris sound asleep taking up half the bed. He's shirtless, but is he pant-less? I don't know, the blanket is covering his lower body.
Wait! Am I pant-less?

I take a quick glance under the covers, and yes! I am! No! No! No! Why? I clasp my head in my hands and like a flood, last night's memories return to me.

So.....me.......and him.........we...................

AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!! I internally scream, not to wakeup sleeping beauty over there. I give him a disgusted look. On second thought, he really is a beauty.

He has a bright face, that's handsome, especially when he isn't frowning. A killer jawline that protrudes even when he's asleep. A muscular body with the perfect proportion of abs, not to mention that he's very tall and a great dancer.

But overall, he's just so adorable! With his messy hair and pouted lips. I want to take a picture and keep it forever. What am I saying?

I slump back in the bed and heave a big sigh. How am I going to get out of here? Should I wait for him to wakeup? No, but what if he sees me?

I hear a faint growl and feel an arm on me. In less than a second I turn my head left and find Kris's face right in front of mine. My eyes are wide while his are smiling like a fox's.

"So how was it?" He smirks, still having his arm around me.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I act stupid, looking away.
"Really?" He asks laying his upper body on top of me, while supporting himself with both arms, "Your mind doesn't seem to say so."
"Yah!" I yell getting angry, I don't care if he has mind reading power. He shouldn't read mine.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now