Earth, A Place To Protect

726 13 15

Both Vegeta and I were back on our home soil again.

Vegeta was holding my hand, never letting go.

"Vegeta, you can let go when you are ready..." I said as he was crushing my hand.

"Oh! Sorry..." He whispered and I smiled. He didn't want to let me go...

"Yay! You guys are back! What took you so long?!" Bulma yelled, she sounded a little like Chi-Chi. For so many years of yelling at Goku, I am surprised Chi-Chi still has a voice. Not to mention, through all the years of us screaming out heads off I am surprised we still have our voices... I never really seemed to reflect that before....whoa...

Anyway, enough defying natural physics...

We all were "glad" to see our lovely screaming Bulma again.

"Are you going to something about this or are you going to stand like a bunch of goofballs!?" Bulma yelled at us and I then realized something...

Aliens... are... here...

Well, there is the source of Bulma's screaming and why all the Z- Fighters are here, including a buff Master Roshi... weirdest... sight...ever...

Then we heard a familiar voice after awhile...

"So, if it isn't nice. The three Saiyans are back... the pathetic girl, the clown, and the pathetic prince... how lovely!"

"What are you doing here?!" I yelled and he transported right next to me.

"You see, I came here to destroy you and all you love..." Frieza said and he gripped my face, then grabbed a hold of my neck. I was struggling for air. I was choaking.

"I love to see this..."

Then is looked and saw nothing but a blurry vision of a boot hitting Frieza in the face.

I was then held up by a pair of warm arms, then I felt myself going down along with them.

"Who..." and I stopped, blinked and saw Vegeta's face.

" vegeta..." I struggled and he nodded his head.

"It's ok, stay here." And then Vegeta set me down and I watched him fly away.

Whis then came over to me, he had a spoon in his hand and whipped cream on his nose.

"Are you ok, Lady Katarina? It seemed like Frieza wanted to get you out of the way first." And he offered his hand and he helped me up.

"He isn't going to get rid of me that easily..." I said, my throat feeling a lot better. I then flew to where Goku and Vegeta are but then Vegeta stopped me and took my hand.

"There is no use for us until it is out turn, Katarina, let's watch this." And he took me to a cliff, where I saw my brother, about to face off with Frieza. What will be different? Will Goku defeat him? Will we ever get our shot at Frieza?

Author's Note

Hey readers!

I would like to take the time and apologize again for such the late update and such a short chapter. I may make this a once a week update, maybe...
This is nearing the end... sadly...
This arc is the last arc until the English dub of DB Super arrives.

But don't worry! There is still some chapters to go!

Until Next Update!


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