Good Luck

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"What's wrong A3?" I patted his back.

"Hmf. Leave me alone." He scooted away from me.


"Me not your friend no more mommy." He wiped his nose.

"What's wrong baby?" I picked him up and sat him on my lap. He folded his arms and pouted.

"You mad at mommy."

He shook his head yes.


"You no like me no more. "

"What? Mommy loves you baby."

"Unh-unh you play with me no more since Miri. And you no treat me like your favorite man."

I was afraid this was going to happen and the day has arrived. 😩

"Auggie Miri's a baby he can't do anything by himself."

"Me a baby too!" He huffed and puffed. His eyes red and tears streaming.

"You right you are my baby, but you're also mommy's big boy."

"Me no wanna be a big boy. Me want to be your favorite man."

"You are baby. And mommy sorry for not spending more time with you okay?"

"Okay." He hiccuped from crying.

"And mommy going to make every Friday, mommy and Auggie day. So every Friday, just me and you do something. Starting tomorrow. Okay?"


"Stop working yourself up. Just because Mommy is with Miri, doesn't mean she doesn't love you. Mommy still loves you more than anything in this world and she still wants her million kisses." I kissed him all over his face. He giggled wildly.

"You still mommy favorite man?"

He shook his head yes.

"Gimme a kiss."

He gave me a kiss.

- Life After Marriage - Baby For Sale

Auggie POV-

Everybody had finished Thanksgiving dinner. Which my mama threw down on by the way. Sata and O had left. Miri was in his room caking with Morgan over FaceTime of course 🙄.

My dad in the basement watching basketball. And my mom was in the kitchen cleaning up and putting up the food.

My heart began to race faster than it ever did in my entire life. This confession could break or make stronger me and my mother's relationship.

And let's face it. I wad born a mamas boy and was probably going to die one. My mother, no matter how much we got into it, was my heart. She was the center of my world. I loved her so much so I got a woman that exemplified her beauty. Not consciously tho. It wasn't like I looked Rahiel and was like oh you look like my mama, I want you.

It was just my mother was my first teacher of what a woman should be. And those traits she had, I looked for in a woman. My mother was beautiful. She was graceful. She was intelligent. Successful and she took no mess. Ra and Ma may not have the same story or status, but they were alike. In a lot of ways.

My dream was just that they both got along. That Ma, could be the mother Ra never had. That she could do the motherly thing's that Ra never experienced and that I could never give her. That she could be the grandma Shantel never had. Let her know, it's more than me and my Ra  in this world that love her.

That is what I hoped for. But the growing pains in my stomach told me it may not work out that way.  And it hurt my heart so bad because if our relationship would be broken after this, I don't know how I could live. My mother was that important to me. I could go on with life, but I know for a fact, I wouldn't be happy. There would always be a chunk of my heart missing.

But I had to tell her. The longer I waited, the more betrayed she might feel. I should've asked Bobby Ray to anoint me before this. But I said a small prayer. That God would soften her heart toward Ra. If not now, in time and that she would take the news well like my Pop.

I sighed and went into the kitchen. She was putting food in the Tupperware.

"Make sure y'all take some of this food back with you baby." She said putting the dressing in Tupperware.

"trust me I am. You threw down ma. Especially the Mac and cheese."

"Well it's plenty to take. I'll make sure it's enough for Cali too." She tore some foil.

"Ma I need to talk to you."

"I already know." She said.

"Know what?" I hope no one told her.

"How well you're doing in school. Daddy told me. So proud of you baby." She gave me a kiss, then went back to putting up food.

"Yeah. I was going to tell you that. But it's something else."

"What?" She looked partially smiling.

I grabbed both her hands in mine.

"You know that there's no one more important to me in this world than you. I am a proud mama's boy. I have never, ever been ashamed of that."

"Why you being so dramatic just tell me Auggie." She laughed.

"Aight." I paused and cleared my throat. "My girl and I are having a baby. Of course I wanted to wait until graduation and we got married but it didn't work out like that." I let out a nervous laugh.

She took her hands away from mine and went back to putting the food up.

"I got a plan ma. Imma move back to Georgia. Go to Emory for Grad School. Get a spot and me and O gon run his business. We gon be good." I let out a nervous smile. "I know this is my responsibility and not you and Pop."

She didn't say anything.

"Pop made it clear that I understood I had to step up and do what I had to do as a man. Nobody else."

She kept putting the food up ignoring me.

"I know you disappointed Ma. And I'm sorry for that. But I love you. And that's not gon change."

She still said nothing.

"Ma can you say something I prefer for you to yell at me then ignore me."

She turned to me. "Good luck with your life."

Then turned back to putting the food up.

Only time will tell what that meant. I'll give her time and see what she feels in the morning. I left out the kitchen and went to my room.

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