chapter 8

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Ok hey guys! I know its been a while from the last chapter but I have a good reason. I was playing vid games while eating junk food! No im kidding you. But the truth is I have been really sick with a really bad cough and got a cold to..... But I told my self to suck it up and write for you guyz!

Enjoy! :)

Chapter eight

Bens POV

"SALLY GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" I yell in frustration as Sally was riding my back tugging at my hair. "NO NOT UNTIL YOU GIVE ME FLUTTERSHY BACK YOU PONY THEIF!"

"FOR THE LAST TIME I DIDNT TAKE YOU FRICKEN PONY!" At this point she had led outside actually PULLING my hair out. Geez this kid is a idiot.

BEN do not call Sally that you idiotic child.
Slendy walked out of the thick trees and grabbed Sally off of me. "You're lucky Ben Next time Mr.Bear WILL EAT YOUR FRICKEN FACE OF-" Slendy interupted Sally  I could clearly tell he was mad. 


"NO! HE STOLE MY PONYYYYYYYYYYYYY! MR.BEAR HELP!" Oh god here comes the devil itself. Dear Zalgo help me....

"JESUS SALLY GET YOU BEAR OFF OF ME!!!!" And what seemed like on cue Jeff came stumbling like a mad man out of the house. Mr.Bear on his head attempting to stab his neck. "AWWWWW CAN JEFFERY NOT TAKE ON A STUFFED BEAR?" I snapped my head towords Sally and she was laughing her ass off. Geeze today has been hectic. The toilet set on fire. Masky Stole Jacks mask and Jack refused to come out of his room and is still in there. I have been attacked by Sally and Jeff is being molested by Sallys bear. Sometimes I wounder why I live here with these freaks.

Heres my chance I quickly sprinted inside to see Masky on the floor laughing his ass off. "Whats so funy?" I asked. "Well, I just saw Jack crying his room and I stuffed bear jump on Jeffs head and Jef screaming like a little girl." Ok I had to admit that was kinda of funny. "Well then I'm off to wounder land but first......" I tackled Masky and grabbed the Mask out of his hands. "HEY!" His voice cracked. "Sorry bud but I believe this doesn't belong to you!" I quickly got off of him only to be tackled by him and my face skided across my the carpet.

"AW MY CHEEK MEAT!" I hissed. But managed to get the mask away from his grip. "GIVE IT!" "NEVER!" I quickly turned around and kicked him off sprinting for my life to Jacks room. As soon as I got there I pounded on the door turning the knob every was possible. "JACKY BOY OPEN UP!" I yelled franticly. "N-No! Not until I get my mask back!" "JACKY I HAVE YOUR MASK OPEN UP BEFORE MASKY BEATS THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!!" But it was to late Masky tackled me to the floor as the door clicked open. I could see Jacks head hanging low and his hoody coverying his face. "CATCH!" I yell and toss the mask franticly. Masky tried to grap it but Jack was to quick. Jack slammed his door shut and Masky got off of me. "Nice going elf." He hissed. "Whatever I mumbled."

4 hours later.......

DINNER! I heard slendy yell.

I walked down stairs to see a weird sceen. Jeff had a bandage around his neck and his head Sally pouting in the corner Jack was sitting on the couch emotionless and Masky he was....well... playing the knife game. His hand was pretty bloody signaling he was horrible at the game. I saw Jeff play it once and he went on for twenty minutes with out stabbing himself. Then again he has stabbed him self as a dare I gave him. Didn't know he was idiotic enough to do it though. But pretty much every one in this house are idiots. I walked into the kitchen to see craft dinner on the table. "Slendy whats with this I thought you were like a master cook? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CRAP!"

If you must know due to everything that happend today I didn;t think any of you desvered a good dinner...

Every one piled into the kitchen groaning about stuff that I didn't have to care about.

Now, let us talk about what happend today.

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