2 years

16 4 0

Last chapter 😁

2 years later

"Morning babe."Jai mumbled kissing my cheek as he woke up.
"Morning I need to get up."
"No cuddle."Jai pulled me back down on top of him and I giggled kissing him for a while.Starting to grind on me I pulled him away from me as I realised this couldn't happen.
"I need to pee, then talk to Ali then go to work.Because I have a proper job."
"Oh wow bye then I'll cuddle the covers."
"No, no."

Laying back down I laid beside him and cuddled him kissing his chest.
"Sorry I love you."
"I love you too, go pee."

Walking down stairs annoyed at Jai I sighed sitting on the sofa.
"You okay?"Ali asked coming in and sitting beside me.
"No I'm not okay I've never been okay this is just making it even fucking worse."
"Let's go outside, the boys will hear."

She helped me up and we walked into the garden we sat against the wall and she put a cigarette in her mouth dangling it before going to light it.
"Can you not Ali?"
"Oh okay, now come on what's bothering you?You don't mind and sometimes smoke with me."
"I think I'm pregnant Al!"
"Of corse its fucking Jais."
"How long?"
"Month."I mumbled putting my head in my knees.

"Fuck sake Katie tell him!"
"I can't okay, I can't."
"He loves you just tell him."
"Does he love me enough to care about our baby?"
"Katie talk to him."
"Fuck I'm sick of talking why can't people just do things."
"Well go do something about it you have two options K and you know what they are."

Ali stood up lightning her cigarette and walking away.Jai was inside sat on the sofa and I sat beside him hugging his waist.

"You okay?looks like you've been crying bub."
"I have something to tell you it's important."
"Oh wait I need to pee."he smirked rolling his eyes and i new he was mocking me so I went out side.

Calling Lukes number i hoped he'd answer,
"Luke is that you?"
"Yeh Katie whats wrong you haven't called all month?"
"I have something to tell you Luke please don't freak out or tell anyone."
"What Katie you know I wouldn't?Have you and Jai broke up?"
"I'm pregnant and no we haven't broke up but it's his and he...I don't think he's ready for a baby."
"No he's fucking not."Jai said storming past me too his car.

"Jai wait... I'll call you back Luke I love you bro."

Sitting on the curb I stared out at the road deciding what to do.
Luke came over and tapped me on the shoulder and for a moment I thought he was Jai until he helped me up.

"Let's get you home Hemmings."
"Where that?"
"With us come on."
"It's not Luke I'm sorry Jai ran off and now he hates me.I think this is goodbye and I'm not good at them I just wanted to let you know I'm pregnant, with your twins baby."


Packing my bag I took one of Jais shirts and one of the pictures of us of his wall.Taking the test back out of the box I placed it on his bed side table with a note,

You can forget if you want but this baby's yours and I'm doing what's best for it and going home,

Love you and leave you
Katie x

As I placed it on my pillow I turned around to see him crying,
"Katie I know the baby's mine and it was an accident but I need to ask you something important."
"Yes anything but first do you want me to stay or go home?"
"Depends on your answer to my question.Do you love Michael?Tell the truth."
"Jai... I."
"Do you still love him and do you wish the baby was his?"
"Yes I still love him okay I just love you too.No I don't that would be fucked up I'd never wish for this baby to be different."
"Okay how long?"
"Month.I've know for 2 weeks!"

Jai walked closer to me and hugged me kissing my head.
"I love you I'm sorry."
"It's not just your fault, I'll go home if you want me too."
"Katie I never want you to home I'm just not ready for this at all."
"I'll go."

Picking up my bag I got my passport and was about to leave when Jai took my hand.
"Take this, give it too the baby."

He handed me a picture Jai, Luke and I on my birthday last year Jai kissing me on the cheek and Luke the other.
"I'll let you know about the baby if you want?"
"Just call when ever.I love you."
"Love you too Jai goodbye."

I hate the fact Michaels poisoned love for me, but I still end up managing too love him with all my heart.

I remember how I used to dream of flowers, midnight conversations and kisses in the rain before I met Michael.Then he swooped in, burned what was left of that and left me too sweep up the ashes multiple times.Now I'm standing here and there's this beautiful boy with mocha eyes who's the father to my baby asking if I ever really trusted him, always wondering why I look away every time he's called me beautiful the past 2 years.Now he knows it's because I had bright green ones making me stupid promises then not speaking too me and breaking my heart over and over again in the process.But how is Jai supposed to handle all my broken pieces for any longer when he's already been cut on my edges enough.

Quickly walking to the car I was about to get in when Jai knocked on the window.Opening it I smiled as he put his head in holding my face and kissing me hard.
"Just give me some time please, and let me drive you.I don't want you or the baby to get hurt."

Nodding I got out and went around to the passenger side.Jai sat for a while not starting the car and just staring at me.

"I can't let you go."he said crying and I whipped his eyes hugging him.
"You're not letting me go, this is our baby.Bur for now we should end it, till we've figured things out."
"Promise me that you won't forget the baby's mine."Jais said holding my face.

"I promise."

Daydream away//Michael G. CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now