6 months

21 4 0

There's a lot of things I have learnt in the past six months,
1.Boyfriends lie
2.Brothers lie
3.Living with a pregnant woman is stressful as fuck.

Last month Denise and I started renting a apartment together.
"KATIE."Denise shouted and I panicked jumping out of the shower and wrapping my towel around me.

She was sat on the sofa and panting heavily with her phone in her hand.
"I called the hospital and Calum, come on!"

Quickly I pulled on my pyjamas as fast as I could as she attempted to get off the sofa.

Scooping my arm under her shoulders i picked her up and helped her into my new car.Denise was breathing heavily and I felt like crying with her because Calum wasn't going to be here.

"Boys are cunts.Why did we fuck?"she sighed and squeezed the door handle tight.
"I don't know he'll be on his way."
"Fuckkkk.Im so glad your hear I love you Katie."
"I love you too Denise were going to get little Cara out of you even if Calum's late."
"Hurry up."she grunted squeezing my hand tight and I pushed the peddle harder and quickly got to the hospital.

Denise was crying now and my phone started to ring.
"are you at the hospital?"Calum asked and he was panicked.
"Yeh Calum hurry up!"
"I'm halfway there from the airport."
"Calum she needs you."
"I'm coming."

Denise smiled up at me and I sat in the chair beside her bed.The nurse was checking her over and she gripped my hand.
"The baby should be about an hour so don't push yet, even though I know it's tempting!"
"Katie is Calum on his way?"
"Yeh he'll be here don't worry."

Calum came bursting through the door as Denise got another contraction, she burst out in tears when she saw him and he ran to her hugging her and kissing her for the longest kiss I've ever seen.

"I missed you."he snuggled his head in her neck then shot his bag on the floor.
"I missed you too, I love you Calum."
"I love you, how long?"
"About 20 minutes."I told him and he smiled at me.
"I missed you too."
"Missed you Cal!"

Calum was holding Denise's other hand and she leaned and mumbled to him.
"I'm scared."Calum kissed her cheek and i couldn't help but smile.
"Cara will be here soon just relax as best you can and push when she's coming.Me and Katie are here okay we love you."

1hour and a half later Denise was laid in the bed with her new born baby in her arms.Calum had just picked an outfit out of the baby clothes that his mum brought and put Cara in some black leggings and a little tiny plaid shirt and a little grey beanie.

The doctors has said they could probably go home by tonight they just had to check up on them all day.
"Do you want to hold her K?"Denise asked and i shook my head at first.
"You won't drop her Katie don't worry."Calum said walking around too my side as Denise handed me Cara.

"Hey baby."i smiled at Cara who was smiling up at me, she looked so much like Calum(well more like Mali crossed with Denise.)
Cara started giggling and I leaned down kissing her forehead.

Denise smiled widely at me as I let Cara grip onto my finger.
"She's beautiful."
"I know and look what I got her on tour."Calum said happily and pulled a pair of little black and white vans.

Denise practically screamed and I smiled at her as Calum put the little shoes on Cara's feet.
My phone started ringing and I looked at Denise for help.As she took Cara out of my arms I answered the phone too see if was Luke.

"Sorry I was late for the flight did Calum get there?"
"Yeh baby Cara's here."
"Oh my god I'll be there soon.Is she cute?Well she obviously is?"
"Yeh she's beautiful."
"I'll come see you where near the hospital now.I need to go."
"Okay Luke."

Cal and Denise got the point that Luke was coming and Cara was sat giggling at the cute faces Calum was pulling.

Luke came in the room smiling followed by Joy.
"She's so fucking cute."Luke said and Calum lightly hit his arm, "that's not being my baby's first word bro so shut it."
"Sorry she's beautiful though bro."
"Let me take a picture she's the most beautiful girl ever.She looks like Mali."
"I thought that."

Calum gave his mum his phone and let her take a picture of Denise, Calum and Cara.
"You three get a picture."Calum laid Cara in my arms and Luke sat next to me smiling cheekily and I did too.

I put the picture on Instagram after Calum said it was okay and Michael liked it straight away.Which I was very confused at,
"Where's Michael?"I asked Luke and he shrugged but I know somethings up but brushed it of as I smiled at my best friends baby girl in my arms.

3 days later...

It felt weird too have Calum in the apartment too now.
"This place is nice."he smiled as he took Cara into her baby room that I painted with trees and animals and pretty things on the walls.

Calum laid her down in the crib as he sat in the chair to make her bottle and Denise was asleep as Cara kept her awake all night

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Calum laid her down in the crib as he sat in the chair to make her bottle and Denise was asleep as Cara kept her awake all night.
"Can someone please tell me where Michael is?"
"No sorry."

Cara started crying and I could tell Calum was tired so picked her up and rocked her in my arms.
"Hey Cara bub don't cry, I know you're hungry but your mummy and daddy are tired."I said and she looked at me still crying a little.
"Trust me Cara I want to cry with you."

Calum looked at me and sighed,
"I can't lie to you for fuck sake Michaels home, you know we had a 1 week break he came straight away."
"So why hasn't he spoke for 6months or tried to talk to me the week and a half he's been off work."
"I don't know Katie he loves you though."
"Love doesn't seem to mean anything to him anymore.You go back to bed I'll give her her bottle."
"Okay just give him time."
"He's had enough time Calum."I sighed sitting in the chair and giving Cara the bottle.

A/n fuck everything

Daydream away//Michael G. CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now