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{1 week later}

My first day back at school was also the first day of rehearsals for the school talent show.
Denise and I where currently sat in the crowd with the other performers as the boys played there set.

I turned to her and she was humming along to the song while staring at Calum.
"So is what cal said true?"
"Yeh Denise is it?"
"Yeh why?"
"It's just Mike he's more experienced than me he's only the second guy I've ever kissed."
"Maybe that's a good thing."
"Maybe he's the right one you had to kiss ash to realise that-"her phone started to buz but she put it back in her pocket and ignored it. "-your long term crush for Michael was something more."

"Aww K you had a big old crush on me?"Michael said through the microphone and I hid my face in my hands.
"He was on the phone?!"
"Yep where up next come on Katie."

Walking to the stage I felt everyone in the hall stare at me.I glared at Michael who walked faster to hug me.
"Did you?"
Nodding he giggled and then picked me up to kiss me.I felt nervous because of all the people but Michael didn't mind.
"Wait for me outside of school babe I need you to come to my house."
"Mum wanted to talk to us I don't know what about but pleaseeee wait for me I don't fancy walking."
"Okay I'll wait for you.Now we gotta go sing Mike."

Michael and I walked into the stage hand in hand and he kept nudging me playfully.
"I'm gonna fall."I warned him and nudged him back.
"I've actually fell of a stage before, it fucking hurt."

I took my place between Michael and Luke and Luke kept slyly poking at my hip.
"Stop dickhead."
"What?"he did it again and I did it back to him.

"KATIE ,LUKE STOP, Michael go in between  them please."Miss said and the three of us where laughing as Michael and I swapped.

Then Michael kept sticking his tongue out at me while miss was watching Denise tune her guitar.
"For god sake you two.Your up first."Miss exclaimed throwing her hands up annoyed at us probably me more.

Slowly I walked to the middle where they where two stools and sat on the small black one on the left.
"I hope you two know this."
"Kind of."
"Well you seem to be getting on better this should be amazing.Now sing."

Carefully Michael took the acoustic guitar off Ashton and sat on the stool very close to mine.His leg rubbing up to mine.

"For goodness sake start singing."someone shouted from the crowd and I noticed it was those cunts.The shit headed dickheads that where the entire school football team.

"Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one if you want me to
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you"

I sang the first part and Michael joined in as he new I was nervous because my voice began to shake.
"Relax K your doing great."Ashton mumbled and I smiled slightly as I sand the next part on my own.

"And I... am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all
And I... will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl"

We carried on and by the end I was crying so had to run of stage.I could hear the sniggers of the people in the crowd and went back stage sinking my back against the wall and dropping to the floor.

Was I really that bad?

Without saying a word Michael sunk beside me and pulled me into a hug.I cried to him for a while but I just wanted to go home.

Michael let go slightly but I pulled him back not wanting his scent and comfort of his warmth to leave me.
"Hey shhh.Its fine I'll stay here."
"I'm terrible Michael, yeh you help.But that song and I can't sing it and it's so easy for you."
"Babe you're amazing.Ignore everyone else."


After I composed my self Michael walked me to class even though he was on the other side of the school next.
"You don't have too."
"I'm looking after you babe."

Laughing I smiled when he carefully pulled his arm around my shoulder as if he was afraid of hurting me.Moments later a deep voice shouted 'idiot' and then shot a book at Michael.

"What the fuck?"he asked turning around.
"Why didn't you just let Stacey get what she wanted?"
"Because she hurt my girlfriend."
"I thought you where cool bro but I guess that was just Stacey."
"I'm not your bro."Mike mumbled and pulled me along the corridor getting away from them.

"What was that about?"
"Stacey's brother he's always hated me.He pretended he didn't but he did."
"Call me if you need me."


Standing by my car I got really cold waiting for Michael.School had finished 20 minutes ago but I couldn't see him anywhere.Where the fuck is he?

I pulled out my phone and called him, he seemed out of it when he answered so I asked if he was okay.

"Kinda, are you still there?"
"Yeh I'm waiting outside the car where are you?"
"I can see you."

He put the phone down and he jogged to me his hair bobbing in the wind.
Just when he got closer I realised he had a black eye.

Quickly I hugged him and pulled his head into me.
"Who did this?"
"Aaron I guess those guys never liked me cause I'm not one of them."
"This better be the only time they do this."


In the car Michael seemed out of it and kind of like he was going to pass out so I pulled over into a lay by.
"Tell me what you're thinking."
"Mum can't see me with a black eye.Not when you're coming over.Please help me babe."

Pointing to the glove compartment he opened it and took out my make up bag.
"How do you use this shit?"
"Just turn to me."

The little bottle of concealer was at the bottom and I took it out it was pale enough for him so it didn't need blending much.Well I am a little paler than him.

"Can you see it?"
"Not really it's much better does it hurt?"
"Just a little thank you Katie."

Carefully he placed his hand on my face and pulled me into a kiss before resting his head on mine.


When I pulled up in Michaels drive I was reluctant to get out of the car but his dad was just pulling up too so I had to.
"Hello Katie."
"Hi"I mumbled nervously to his dad and Michael laughed.

"He's cool K.You can talk to my dad babe."
"I will eventually."
"Michael you won't talk to new people Katie doesn't have to talk to me."
"Well thanks dad."Michael mumbled and I couldn't help but giggle as we walked into the house.

His mum was sat on the couch and I sat down beside Michael.
She stared at us for a moment before squinting at Michael.I hope she didn't notice his eye.

"So you two I was going to talk about your tutoring Michael."
"Do we have to?"he mumbled under his breath.
"Yes Michael.I don't think it's a good idea for Katie to tutor you now that you two are a thing.So I got you a new tutor."
"What mum Katie still can."
"Yeh you didn't have to do that."I told her politely and she smiled in that way mothers do.

"She's up stairs."
"This is bull shit I don't want some creepy girl in my fucking room your the only woman I want in my room apart from my mum to clean it.For fuck sake!"

Ranting to me as we walked up the stairs Michael was getting more and more agitated so I stopped him in his tracks and put my arms around his shoulders.

"Calm down I bet she's not that bad."
"What if she's a bitch?"
"I'm here."

Slowly I went on my toes and kissed him and he leaned me into the wall.A cough was heard from the bottom of the stairs and Michaels dad was laughing.

"Get up there before your mum makes me lock you in the room."he laughed and shooed Michael and I into his room.

Sat on his computer chair was a small girl with long black shiny hair and blue eyes surrounded by glasses.
To be honest she was that bad she was beautiful, and to be honest she was way more suited to Michael than me.

Daydream away//Michael G. CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now